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I woke up to the feeling of someone shaking me. I squint my eyes trying to adjust them to the light.

"Bella? What is it?" I ask her irritated.

"It's Jacob now lets go." She says. I quickly sat up. I felt kind of sad that he's not here.

"Wait about Jacob?" I ask her getting up. I didn't care that she was in here. I changed into dark blue jean, a white and black flannel and my converses. I then noticed a note on my nightstand. I grab it as we go out to her truck.

"What's going on with Jake?" I ask her as she sped down the street.

"Jacob is a werewolf." My eyes widened a bit surprised.

"And how do you know this?" I ask her playing along.

"I just do." She says ending the conversation.

I pulled the note and opened it.

'I'm sorry if I wasn't there when you woke up. I didn't want Charlie catching us, the last thing I want is for you to get grounded because of me. I'll call you later.'


I crumpled up the piece of paper and shoved it in my pocket just as we pull up to Jake's. I have a feeling this isn't going to end well.

Bella knocked quickly on the door. Billy soon answered it.

Billy looked at me then to Bella.

"We need to see him." Bella said.

"I'm sorry, but he's not in." Billy stated calmly. Bella grabbed my wrist and pulled me inside.

"I'm sorry but I really need to see him." She said.

"Bella." I hissed.

"Bella." Billy said as I was dragged to Jake's room. She opened the door and Jake was laying there asleep.

Bella looked out the window as did I. I saw Sam, Paul, Jared and Embry coming to the house. I look at Bella.

"Bella I know what that look is, don't do it." I whispered to her. But of course she didn't listen.


"Bella this is a bad idea." I told her as she was stomping her way over there. But what do ya know she ignores me....again.

"What did you do?" Bella yells coming closer to them with me trailing after her.  "What did you do to him?" She asks them shoving Sam's chest. I notice Paul growl.

"Easy." Sam says to Paul.

"What did we do? What did he do? What did he tell you?" Paul asks.

"Both of you calm down." Sam says in what I now call his alpha voice ,because why not?

"Nothing." Bella stated. "He tells me nothing because he's scared of you." Bella stated. Paul and Jared snickered. Bella then slapped Paul. He began shaking and breathing heavily. That's not good.

"Ariana step back." Sam tells me ignoring Bella and I did so. "Paul calm down." But it didn't seem to be working because he hunched over and shifted into a giant wolf. Bella looked terrified. Embry and Jared stood in front of me blocking Paul's view of me. Bella began running.

"Ariana!" Jake yelled jumping over the railing.

"Run!" Bella yelled to Jake. "Jake run!" She yelled. Jake ran and jumped over her shifting mid-air. Woah. Jacob growled at Paul. They circled each other then lunged at each others throats and began fighting.

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