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I taped the last box, letting out a heavy sigh. That was it. My whole life packed away.

"Are you sure you have to go?" Mom asked for the twelfth time that day.

"Yeah mom. I can't be here. I need a fresh start," I told her, smiling gently.

She nodded and pulled me into a tight hug. I pulled away reluctantly.

"Is dad still mad?"

"Oh honey, he's not mad. He just wasn't prepared for you to leave so soon."

I nodded my head solemnly. I don't think any of us where. Mom kissed me on the forehead before wishing me a good night. I sighed sadly, looking at my empty bedroom. It had been my home for so long... I showered and got ready for bed. After, I turned off my lights and laid in the dark.

I couldn't help but feel sad. This was my last night at the pack house.
I heard my door creak open softly. Still being half asleep, I ignored it. Just the footsteps made me slightly alarmed. I woke up and saw Rider standing in the moon light. I jumped slightly, startled.

"Jesus, Rider! What's wrong?" I asked, exasperated.

He looked down, sadly before approaching my bed side slowly
and kneeling be side me.

"I'm sorry," he said, looking at me sincerely.

I think that if it was possible to choke on air I would have.

"What?" I asked shocked.

"I'm sorry, Vera. It was wrong of me to treat you that way. You've never done anything wrong to me and I was taking out my resentment on you. You are so beautiful and so strong. I know I don't deserve forgiveness, but... Please don't leave because of me," he said, tears filling his eyes.

I gasped shocked and felt my heart warm, and the hurt I had been feeling evaporate.

"Rider... I'm not leaving because of you. I just... Can't stay here. I need some place where I can start over. I don't want to be the weak little human any more," I told him, resting my hand on his shoulder tentatively.

He relaxed into my touch, his grey eyes never wavering from mine.

"You were never weak, Vera," he whispered.

I was almost overcome with shock. What happened to the mean, ruthless Rider from before? Why, now, is he sweet and kind?

"I just... Don't want to lose you. Anything but that," he said, resting his head on my bed in defeat.

"I have to go, no matter what. I don't belong here." His grey eyes suddenly met mine intensely.

"You belong with me." I gaped at him.

"Come back to my pack. Have a fresh start. They will see how beautiful you are, how great. Just give us a chance," Rider offered, grabbing my hands as he spoke and holding them firmly in his own.

I felt tingles of electricity travel up my arm and I shivered, goose bumps rising on my skin. He had a point, it would be a new start.

"Where is your pack?" I wondered, dazed.

"Polson, Montana."

I thought about it. It would still be traveling. And if I didn't like it, I could leave. I looked at Rider wearily. There was only one problem.

"Listen closely, Rider," I said, bringing my face closer to his.

He stared at my lips, his eyes darkening a few shades.

"I'm listening," he murmured.

"Screw me over and I swear to god you'll never see, hear or even breath the same air as me ever again," I promised darkly.

He nodded eagerly.

"Then I'll move with you."

His whole face brightened.

His grey eyes lightening, his lips drawing into a huge smile. Dimples appeared on each of his cheeks. Before I had realized it, he brought me into a tight embrace.

"Thank you, Vera," he whispered into my hair.

I smiled, wrapping my arms around him as well, feeling... Complete.

"Well, it's going to be a long day tomorrow. Good night," I said, pulling reluctantly away from his touch.

He frowned but hesitantly nodded. I watched him walk out of my room before my eyes started to close.
I woke up a few hours later to see Rider curled up on my floor with a blanket, snoring softly. I tapped him softly.

"Rider, wake up. If you sleep on the floor, you'll be sore in the morning," I whispered softly.

He stirred slightly but then returned to snoring softly. I sighed at shook him a little. He jerked, looking at me with wide, innocent, sleepy eyes. I felt myself melt a little underneath his gaze.

Awwwww a part of me thought.

"C'mon, Ri, let's get you to bed," I murmured softly.

He whimpered slightly but once I grabbed his hand, he followed obediently. It was easy to tell he was more than half asleep as he stumbled after me. The bed room across the hall was empty so I opened the door and led him to the bed.

He stood there staring blankly at me for awhile. I sighed before guiding him onto the mattress, then laying him down. I tucked him in gently while he kept a hold of my hand. I tried to pry it softly from him but he refused to let go.

"Rider, I have to go to bed," I whispered.

He whined softly and I let out a frustrated breath before resigning and laying down with him.

"Don't make any moves or you'll be locked in the closet for a month," I hissed, but he was already asleep.

I relaxed, feeling contentment wash over me. As I felt the last of my consciousness wash away, I felt Rider pull me close to him and into his arms.

The Human in the Wolf PackWhere stories live. Discover now