Safety first

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I marched into my room angrily.

How dare she accuse us of something like that? She hadn't even been here a whole day, who is she to judge us?! I growled angrily to my wolf.

What. The f***. Is wrong with you? My wolf demanded furiously.

I gaped. What?

How dare you scream at our mate like that? How dare you touch her? You should be glad I can't rip you to pieces right now, you defended that, that blonde trash over our mate! She hates us now and it's all your fault. My wolf hissed angrily.

She doesn't hate us... I stated uncertainly.

My wolf let out a barking laugh.

You didn't see the look on her face.

He told me, sounding devastated. I run my hands through my hair in panic. He's right. She probably does despise us now. What was I thinking? I opened my door and went back down stairs, quietly.

I looked through Vera's door to see her curled into herself, on the ground, sobbing so hard her whole body shook. Oh my god, what have I done?

Please go comfort her. My wolf whined softly.

But I didn't. She didn't want to see me right now, maybe not ever. So I silently made my way back up the stairs and closed the door to my room softly.

All I could think was What have I done? Over and over again. I couldn't sleep that night. I just paced restlessly or tried to finish paper work. At 2 am, I was exhausted. I finally laid in my bed, and I stared up at the celling. What have I done?

My mate hates me. My wolf hates me. I hate me. I hurt my mate. I kept replaying the scene where I grabbed her, the shock on her face. The betrayal. I let out a long, sad sigh, then turned on my side. I noticed Vera's phone on my night stand.

I picked it up and pressed the on button, looking at her lock screen. It was a picture of her and her red headed friend. My mate.... She was smiling in the picture. She looked happy. I made sure to keep the picture up as I fell asleep looking at my mate's face.
The next morning I woke around 8, a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. What was going on? I rolled out of bed and walked out of the room. The house was eerily silent. I started to feel even worse as I walked down stairs. I checked Vera's room. She wasn't there. I started to panic as I ran around the house.

"Vera?" I called out, worried.

No reply. I ran out of the house, trying to track her smell, but she's been gone for hours and other scents have replaced her own, making her trail messy, and unclear.

Dax, I mind linked my beta.

Yes alpha?

The Luna is missing.

We have been scoring the woods for hours. Over half the pack was searching for Vera. Wolves were running around every where, sniffing the ground, trying to find her. Storm clouds were rolling in.

I felt my anxiety and fear deep in my bones. I knew why she ran. Because of me. She left because of me. I felt determination deep in my bones though. I will not give her up. She's mine. And I will not let her go. Ever. We were trying to beat the rain, because we knew if the down pour started, it would wash away her scent's trail completely.

The thought made my wolf whine. Then the chances of finding her would be even more slim. Thunder cracked across the sky. I raced through the woods, trying to connect with the mate bond to help find her. Then I swear I heard it. Her sweet voice. I bolted after it, running as fast as I could. Her scent... It was fresh.

Rain was pouring down hard, pelting my fur causing tiny stings that I barely noticed. I heard a feminine whimper. I slowed my pace, seeing a shack. Not just any shack though this is the one I made when I was young.

I used to come here with my sister before... No. Don't think about that right now. I shifted and put on the clothes I had tied around my ankle. I heard a sound from the shack. I felt fear. What if it wasn't her? I knew I'd be crushed. By now the rain had washed away all evidence of her.

This was it. My last hope. And what if it was her and she refused to come with me? What if she rejected me? The thought made the air leave my lungs painfully. My resolve didn't shift though. It was worth it. Either way if I could see her safe. I don't care what happens to me. I flung open the door of the hut, seeing a curled form in the shadows.

It shrunk away from me in fear, shaking like a leaf in a frigid wind. Lightening flashed, illuminating the hunched silhouette.

"Vera," I said, relieved as I embraced her tightly.

Now we're back at the pack house and I'm holding her cold, wet form against mine tightly.

"Please forgive me kitten, I'm sorry," I whisper in her ear.

The pack Doctor came into the room, and approached me carefully. I cradled her deeper into my chest as she nuzzled me in her sleep.

"I just want to check if she's in good health, if that's ok Alpha," the doctor said softly, a bit anxious.

I felt my wolf feel just the tiniest bit satisfied at his fear. In my pack and among others I am respected, even a little feared. I've always been extremely cunning and when my wolf is Unpleased, he turns a little... Violent. But he has a soft spot for our mate. No matter what she did he would always protect her. I nodded stiffly at the doctor who walked over to Vera carefully.

He took her temperature by running the thermometer across her forehead, then put his stethoscope against her heart.

"She seems to be fine. I'll come and check on her in the morning," he promised with a relieved look thrown at his Luna.

I nodded as he bowed and asked to be dismissed. I agreed then turned my attention back to my tiny mate. I nuzzle her neck apologetically as she whimpered in her sleep.

"I'm sorry."

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