New Pack

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I was spooned against something warm and comfortable. I sighed happily. Soo cozy... Then something loosened around my waist. I frowned on my sleep, scooting closer to the warm thing, but then it left!

I let out a whine of disapproval before turning and patting the bed tiredly for it. I found something and drew it to me, curling around it. It wasn't as warm or as comfortable as the other thing, it was a lot softer.

I laid there for what felt like a few minutes before s hand shook me lightly.

"Vera, wake up. We have to get back on the road," whispered a husky voice.

I groaned, lightly slapping the hand away.

"Leave me alone, Ripley," I grumbled, still asleep, but he was determined to get me up.

I finally peeled my eyes open.

"Good morning, Vera," Rider said, smiling slightly.

I blinked, surprised for a second before yesterday came back to me.

"Morning," I mumbled.

"Get ready. I'll bring up breakfast and then we have to leave," he said, straightening up, but not before hesitantly kissing my forehead.

I watched after him, stunned as he walked out the door of the hotel room. The door closed softly after him and I heard his foot steps fade away. I brought a hand up to my forehead, stunned.

Did he just... Kiss me?

A little smile graced my lips as I stood up and glided to the showers. I showered quickly, not wanting Rider to come back and see me naked. Then, I dressed and brushed my teeth and hair. By the time I packed my stuff away again Rider came back on the phone.

"What do you mean, you let him get away? He was right in your grasp! Did he find out... Ok then. Just get the trackers on this, ok? Bye," he said, hanging up.

"Everything ok?" I asked, concerned.

"Yeah, we have to go though. Foods in the car," he said shortly, striding over to grab my things.

I give him another worried look but he just smiles and once again kisses my forehead, lingering a little longer.

"Let's go."
We drove all day, until the towns became farther and few apart, then, it was just woods. Then, there wasn't even a road anymore. Mountains stretched up high in the distance, and the sun set was breaking on the horizon.

"It's so beautiful here," I whispered, stunned.

"Yeah, I guess it is," Rider replied, sounding a bit amused.

"What?" I asked curiously with a tiny grin.

"I just never looked at the scenery before. I always thought how the location was beneficial to the pack because of its rural-ness, never once did I notice the beauty of it. Until I saw it with you," he told me, grinning, then he turned his attention back to the road.

I tried to fight down a blush. What the heck was going on with me? Why does every little look send my heart fluttering, every touch of skin make my stomach go in a knot? Is this what having a mate is like?

Finally, the car stopped. I looked over at Rider nervously. I would be meeting his pack. What if they hated me? What if they were worse than my last pack? Rider's hand wrapped firmly around mine, causing the familiar tingles to spark.

"I'm right here, Vera. Nothing will happen to you, I and the whole pack will protect you from here on out," he said, sureness shining in his grey eyes.

I nodded, pulling my hand from his and stepping out of the car.

Now to meet the pack that is said to be more wolf than human.

The Human in the Wolf PackWhere stories live. Discover now