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I woke up to to the feeling of arms wrapped securely around me. I peeked up at Rider's face, eyeing him thoughtfully. He looked relaxed as he clutched me to him tightly. Being this close to him felt right, good. I sighed.

Why do things have to be so difficult? Why can't it just be simple? I haven't known Rider was my mate for more than 2 weeks and already he's cheated, screamed and ran me off. Well that's it. No more Ms. Push over. I unraveled myself from Rider's grip, instantly feeling the cold hit me like a ton of bricks.

I shivered and huddled over to the closet. I found an extra blanket and wrapped myself in it but still felt frigid. Cold sweats started appearing on my forehead. I swayed on my feet. Geez, I didn't feel great. Rider must've sensed something wrong because he started stirring.

"Vera?" He called out, his voice husky from sleep.

"Here," I whispered, my head starting to pound.

I let out a soft whimper of pain.

"Hey, are you alright?" He asked, sitting up.

I noticed his shirt was gone as he stretched, causing his muscles to bunch nicely.

"I'm ok," I shivered, clutching my blanket tighter as I let out a series of coughs.

A second later, Rider had me in his arms as he felt my forehead.

"God Vera, you're burning up," he whispered, concerned.

I shrugged and leaned into his chest. Mm, that felt good. He was warm...

"Are you feeling sick?"

I shrugged and scooted closer to him, causing his wolf to purr.

"You feel nice and warm. I'm cold," I complained softly.

He groaned, frustrated as he lifted me up. I curled in to him and let darkness claim me in sleep.

"I thought you said she was fine?" I heard Rider growl.

Slowly, a part of me became more conscious. You know, that feeling you get when you're still asleep but you can still hear what's going on around you? Like that.

"She was! She probably just caught something because she was out in the cold and wet for so long yesterday," an unfamiliar voice replied anxiously.

"She's burning up! Even compared to my body heat," Rider growled.

It was silent as footsteps approached. Rider snarled and I felt him jerk me closer.

"Alpha, I need to have contact with her if you want her to get better."

I heard a small growl before hands touched my forehead. The hand was cool, and slightly calloused. Not like Rider's hands. I frowned slightly, whose hand is touching me? I wanted to wake up but I couldn't. My eyes were like 800 pound weights, I couldn't lift them.

"Yes, her fevers quite high..." He trailed off worried.

"Set her on the bed, I'll get my supplies ready," the doctor said then thought better and added

I was gently released from Rider's arms then all the sudden, I was no longer peaceful. I curled in on myself, freezing. My teeth chattered violently as I tried to stay warm. My head started pounding so hard I let out a whimper and my throat burned. Somebody quickly scooped me back up again and the word resumed to be a bit better.

My head ache just a dull throb, my throat just a little scratch and I was no longer freezing. I knew exactly who had me: Rider.

"Looks like that's not going to work," the other man grumbled.

Deciding I was finished with the mystery, I peeled my eyes open. I winced and squinted. Jesus H. Christ, it's bright.

"Hey Vera," my mate said softly, worry on his face.

I looked at him, and reached up to touched his cheek. It was kinda prickly, he had the tiniest bit of stubble. He leaned into my palm with a frustrated sigh.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

"Yeah," I said, smiling at his handsome face.

Rider really was amazingly good looking. His silver, hard metal like eyes, his dark hair and slightly tan, blemish free skin. He was like a model. No, more than a model. A super model. I giggled at that. He gave me a confused look. I pinched the cheek I had been cupping.

"My super model," I cooed. He swatted my hand away gently with a reprimanding look.

I giggled again.

"Hello Luna," a voice said.

I looked over to see the man Rider had been talking to. He had neatly cut brown hair and warm brown eyes. He had a bit of stubble on his chin as well. He wasn't extremely tall, probably 5'11, and he had a slim build with a little muscle. He had a homely, father kinda look.

"Hi," I said softly.

"I'm the head pack Doctor, William Short. It's a nice to finally meet you while you're awake," he said with a chuckle.

I smile at him. I liked him. He had a calming aura about him.

"It's nice to meet you too," I said, giving him a grin.

"I'm glad you're up for other reasons as well. It's hard to diagnose a patient who is unconscious," he chuckled

"So what seems to be the problem, Luna?"

We talked for maybe ten minutes, then he swabbed my throat which made my eyes water. He left and about fifteen minutes later came back.

"You've came back negative for strep and flu. It's probably just a virus. I'll prescribe you something and you'll feel better in a couple days," he said with a soothing smile.

I nodded, still in Riders arms as the doctor stepped into a storage closet and came out with 2 bottles.

"Take this one three times a day, and this one twice, ok Luna?"

I nodded as I took them. I didn't like medicine. It made my stomach feel weird so whenever I got sick I'd always scramble out of taking it.

"I'll take you to our room," Rider said, sounding exhausted.

I cuddled into his chest with a sigh. As long as I was with him, there was no pain. I'll just use Rider as my medicine instead.

The Human in the Wolf PackWhere stories live. Discover now