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The guest will be here soon.

That was all that Terran would talk about. I sighed. At the moment I was at a meeting with Rider. It's been almost a month since I discovered my gifts and I've begun training to be Luna. I rarely get to call my folks or Rose, which is sad, but I've been overcome with the colors, the auras around me.

They enraptured me. A part of me hated them though, I felt like a freak in a way. I glanced around now. I barely had to focus to call up the auras now. They surfaced easily. Rider sat beside me at a smooth, dark table.

We were in the meeting room of the biggest pack house. His Beta sat beside us, in his human form. Rarely anyone changed from wolf form in this pack unless it was urgent. Across the table sat a man, werewolf, that seemed way too hard to look trust worthy.

He smiled, trying to look kind, but he made me want to squirm away. His aura was sickly. Grey and greenish. Washed out.

He's a bad spirit. Don't get near him. Terran said sharply.

I jumped at her tone and Rider gave me a weird look.

"You ok?" He whispered.

I quickly nodded as I looked back at the man. Alpha Lucas was from the South Dakota. He had a small pack, but they were very free to be themselves, much like this one. I frowned. I've heard whispers  about them at my old pack.

They're supposedly savage, disgusting  wolves. The worst of the worst. He was here to make a treaty. Rider and Lucas were talking now. Formal, but relaxed. They were confident. I didn't like him.

Something about Lucas bubbled and sizzled and rank of death. I wouldn't ever trust him. I don't want to be around him. I started fidgeting uncomfortably.

"We'll be staying at a hotel about three hours away. You really are surrounded by nothing but trees, alpha Rider," Lucas laughed, his yellowish eyes shimmering with amusement.

"We can talk more at a later date. I have to get back, I have urgent business to attend to," he said with a crooked grin.

He rose and the beta followed after him. I looked over at Rider, my mouth open. But how do I explain this? How do I tell him not to make this treaty?

"I don't trust him," I said, my stomach twisting.

"Neither do I, but a treaty could only benefit between us. His wolves are great warriors," Rider said, unworried.

"I don't think we should do this treaty," I admitted.

He looked at me, an eyebrow raised.

"He's not good. Our wolves are strong without him," I say quickly, trying to explain myself.

"Why are you so against him, Vera?" He asked, Leaning back in his chair with his arms crossed.

I cleared my throat.

"I uh just have a feeling," I mumbled.

He laughed.

"Vera, you really can't expect me to say no to this treaty without a reason."

I slumped. No, he wouldn't.

"He's a bad man, and I don't want anything to do with him," I said stubbornly.

"Well as Luna you can't just decide you don't like someone and throw them out. You have to think of the pack, what's best for them," he snapped.

I gaped at him. I stood up angrily, my chair screeching against the floor.

"Fine, do what you want. But you will regret dealing with him. That's what I know," I hiss at him.

I turn and march out of the meeting room. He should trust me enough to listen! I wouldn't just "throw someone out" I know what a Luna is supposed to do! I might not be a werewolf but I can get that, at least.

I dodged past wolves as they raced around outside, having fun. A few were in human form, tending to chores, like gardening or cleaning. Some wolves chased after me, trotting by my side happily, gazing up at me adoringly. The wolves in human form bow in respect.

I smile at them softly as I passed. The wolves following dispersed as I got to my front porch. I shut the door firmly and groaned loudly in frustration.

"I'm guessing you're not in the best mood?"

I yelped and spun around, seeing an unfamiliar form.

That's him! That's the guest. Terran said happily.

I eyed the stranger nervously.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"My name is Tristen, I'm here to teach you," he said, turning to look at me.

His eyes were bright blue, like the sky. His hair was blonde and he had a boyish face, he looked like a brother.

"What do you mean, teach me? I already know how to look at auras," I informed him, confused.

He smiled gently and automatically I felt uneasy.

"Vera.... The auras aren't your only gift."

Oh god no. No, I don't want to hear this.

"You're more powerful than any of
the Gifted. You're going to end the war and... You'll be our queen."

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