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"Sh**!" I cursed, patting myself for my phone.

Then I remembered. It's still in Rider's room from after I called mom and dad. I sighed angrily, trying to remember my steps. After a few minutes of concentration, I gave up and decided to anchor down until some one came to get me. I rested back against my grey barked tree, leaning my head back in defeat.

Now, doing nothing, I had to think about yesterday. Why would Rider defend that girl over me? And he never even denied if they had been... Committed. Tears brimmed yet again but I refused to let them fall. Would Rider even come to look for me? I shook the helpless, sad thought away.

He has to come for me. I'm his mate, his wolf won't allow it. But hours stretched by and the afternoon started to stroll by as the sun reached its peak in the sky. It was about 2 pm now and still no rescue team. I was thirsty and hungry and rain clouds were starting to roll in. My faith in Rider was running out.

Thunder cracked across the sky and I whimpered. I had to find shelter, it wasn't safe out here. I started searching through the woods.

"Rider!" I screamed, but no answer.

I felt my fear sliding down my throat and burying itself deep in my stomach. I ran through the woods until finally I found a small wooden shed. The inside was filled with trash. Rusted soda cans and dusty comic books. I went inside. The roof was weak and sunk in a little, but it was better than no roof at all.

I sat against one of the walls, breathing in the air that smelled like mold and let a few tears fall. I shouldn't have assumed anything about Rider and that girl. Mackenzie? Yeah that was it. I think I felt jealous. She was so pretty and I'm just average, Ordinary, Plain old Vera.

And even though I don't resent being human anymore, I feel like Rider would be so much happier with his own kind. I still had some insecurities. I huddled up into a ball as the thunder came more and more and rain fell down heavily, thumping roughly against my shelter. I tried not to squeak out in fear as I hugged myself once again.

The shi**y roof started leaking. I sucked in an unsteady breath pitifully, then burst into tears.

"Th-this is all my fault!" I cried out aloud.

"I yelled at R-Rider and n-now he hates me a-and I'll be st-st-stuck in this stupid forest forever!" I blubbered.

Suddenly, the shed door swung open fast enough for it to break off its hinges, causing it to fall on the ground loudly. I yelped, scooting away from the intimidating figure in the door frame. Rain poorer heavily behind him and I felt my terror reach its climax.

Great. Now I'll die from a rouge or some angry werewolf. Lightening flashed bright in the sky, illuminating the face of... Rider.

"Vera!" He called out, relieved, rushing up to me and falling on his knees.

He grabbed me roughly and embraced me tightly in his arms.

"I'm sorry, Kitten. I didn't mean to hurt you, I was just so angry that you'd think I'd do anything with anyone other than my mate. I've been so worried about you. Are you ok? Are you crying?! What's the matter? Where are you hurt?" He asked, frantically searching my body.

I let out a sob and wrapped my arms tightly around his neck, pulling myself into him.

"I'm sorry. I'm ok now," I whispered.

He sighed in relief and hugged me back tightly.

"You are never allowed out of my sight ever again," he said, a strange tone in his voice.

My eyes widened as I realized what it was. Fear. Rider had been afraid. He feared that he had lost me. This made me clutch him closed. He cared. He didn't hate me. He had found me.

Finally, after a long embrace, Rider picked me up bridal style.

"Better tell the pack that I found you," he said with a grin.

"Who all is looking for me?"


I gawked at him, shocked.

"What do you mean everyone?!"

"You are their Luna. They would lay down their lives for you," he told me, gently moving a strand of my hair behind my ear.

I was struck by the tender look in his eyes. I laid my head against his shoulder as my eyes grew heavier. Today's stress was finally taking its toll.

"Sleep, Kitten. I'm here," Rider cooed soothingly.

My body was more than happy to obey as the world finally fell away.

The Human in the Wolf PackWhere stories live. Discover now