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I could feel myself waking up as I searched the bedding for my Vera. I opened my eyes, alarmed as I saw she was not there. I looked towards the bathroom and saw the door open, the lights off.

She wasn't there. I went down stairs and saw that the house was empty, cold. I started to feel panicked as I raced back upstairs. Some of her clothing was missing along with her phone and wallet.

Then I noticed something. A letter on the night stand. I picked it up quickly, ripping the envelope open hurriedly.

My dear Rider,
This isn't your fault. I'm not running away from you, I swear. There are some things that I haven't told you about me. Things that I didn't even know until recently. Anyway, I've been called to do something... Huge.

I don't know where I'll be going but just know that I will be protected. I'm not alone. My guard, Trenton, is training me. I will be back, ok? I'm not leaving you for long. After my training I'll come home. Don't forget about me and don't worry. I'm so sorry, Rider. I never wanted to hurt you.

See you soon.


I crumbled the paper in anger and anguish. I felt my wolf pounding at my defenses, furious that our mate was gone. She can't leave. I won't let her. And who was she with? Her "guard"? A male? I could feel my vision turning red.

If he f****** lays a finger on her, I will rip him apart. My wolf started breaking at my walls harder, and soon over came my barriers. I howled and changed, fury causing my fur to stand on it's ends. My Beta, Dax, heard my howl and instantly responding with his own.

Alpha, what's wrong? He mind linked me.

Vera is gone. She left we must find her. I growled out.

Of course, Alpha. I'll gather a team immediately. He said, his voice tense.

The Luna was gone. The mother of this pack was missing. And as word spread, my wolves did something it rarely ever did. They shifted to human form to hunt down their queen.

She will not leave us. My wolf growled dangerously.

I nodded, agreeing. I will have my mate back.

Trenton and I had been walking for hours now through the woods.

"Is this the plan? Walk across country?" I snipped at him, cranky.

He raised an eyebrow at me. I sighed.

"Sorry. I didn't get much sleep."

"It's fine. And no, I have a much better plan." Was all he said.

The sound of leaves crunching under our feet was the only thing to occupy our time. It had started getting cooler out, considering we were well into fall. The autumn moon festival had been in late September and now we were well into November.

A chill bit at the wind making me shrink more into my jacket. Sadness sunk deep into my bones. I was leaving him. Rider.

"Can I call my parents later?" I asked Trenton.

He looked at me sharply.

"You mean you brought your phone?"

"Yeah, why wo-"

Before I could finish my sentence, Trenton yanked open my bag, and grasped my phone.

"What are y-"

He crushed my phone. I gaped at him.

"What the hell?!" I yelled.

"We are on the run now. Your pack
could easily use your phone to track you," he said, anger lighting up his eyes.

"Think more, would you? This isn't some sleep over," he snapped.

I gaped at him momentarily then barked out a laugh.

"Oh yeah because this is my idea of fun. Following around blindly after some dip sh** I just met less than a day before all because some lady from a dream gave me weird powers. Leaving my mate, the one thing I never thought I'd have, to complete a mission that I don't even understand! I'm here for you, not for me. So, sorry I'm not perfectly trained in how to be a fugitive!" I yelled at him.

He blinked, stunned. The mark on my wrist felt warm and it throbbed dully.

"I'm sorry, my lady," he said, vowing his head slightly.

I gave him a confused look. Then I noticed it. I was levitating. Slightly, but surely, my feet were about a foot above the ground. I yelped, startled and I plonked right back on my feet. I swayed, unbalanced before settling. I stood there, mind racing as Trenton watched.

You have more than just one gift, Vera. Terran reminded me softly.

I gulped before nodding.

"Let's go," I told Trenton.

We continued walking. Not ten minutes later, a familiar voice rang in my head.

Vera. Rider's voice said sharply.

I faltered. Crap, the mind link.

Where the hell are you? He asked.

Umm... I'm not sure. I answered in my mind, hoping what I projected, he could hear.

Get your a** back here right now. He growled.

I felt chills run down my spine. Not good.

I can't.

Because of this "mission" ? Speaking of which, who are you with?


You're with a male?!

I flinched slightly at the sound of his voice.

Don't be so jealous. We aren't doing anything. I'm not coming back, Rider. I have things I need to do and that's that. I'm sorry.

There was a pause.

Please. Don't do this. I need you. This pack needs you. I'm going insane, Vera.

I let out a sad sigh.

I am too. But this has to happen. I've been hiding things, Ri. Important things. I have these... Abilities. And I have to save people.

You aren't leaving. I'm sorry, Vera, but I can't let you go.

A howl sounded, not too far away. I looked at Trenton with wide eyes.

"Run," he said urgently.

And like that, we took off.

The Human in the Wolf PackWhere stories live. Discover now