Chapter 6

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Kendall tackles Y/n to the ground as soon as the singer walks into the house. She was extremely proud of Y/n and her amazing comeback sort of a thing.

"Kendall get off of me." Y/n groans while attempting at pushing Kendall off of her body.

Kendall places an auntie kiss on Y/n's cheek then looks at the girl with a smile. "I'm so proud of you." She says happily.

"Is she home!?" Victoria calls out from upstairs as she finishes her last touches of makeup.

"Yes!" Kendall yells back and Y/n uses this as a chance to push Kendall off of her.

Y/n dusts herself off as she stands up from the ground. She looks around the room for her dogs but doesn't see them. "Where are my dogs?" Y/n questions Kendall.

"They're all outside." Kendall says while standing up.

"The queen, Y/n!" Victoria yells as she runs down the stairs and into Y/n's arms.

"Oh my g-" Y/n gets cut off when Victoria makes contact with her.

"You're so savage!" Victoria squeals excitedly while jumping up and down in the hug.

Y/n rolls her eyes and pushes Victoria off of her. "It was nothing, I just want them out of my life." She says while dusting off her shirt.

Kendall nods her head in agreement. "So where's Shay?" She questions about Y/n's new friend.

"She's filming." Y/n says while plopping herself down on her couch.

Kendall nods her head before walking into the kitchen.

"How was the sex?" Victoria asks which causes Y/n to glare at her.

"We didn't have sex." Y/n mumbles while grabbing the remote to the television from beside her.

"Nope." Victoria says while snatching the remote from Y/n.

Kendall comes back in the room with a bowl of cheese-itz. She sits down next to Y/n on the couch.

Y/n whines and stomps her foot in protest. "Whyyy?" She asks like a child.

"Cause we have to finish up this album of yours." Victoria says while pulling on Y/n's wrist.

Y/n's eyes light up. "Yay!" She squeals and immediately takes off for her studio downstairs.

"You're gonna be okay up here?" Victoria asks Kendall.

Kendall nods her head while eating. "I'm not gonna get abducted by an alien." She laughs which causes Victoria to roll her eyes before following behind Y/n.


"Damn." Dinah laughs at Camila as she sees Y/n's response. "You messed with the wrong girl." She says while handing Camila her phone back.

Camila pouts. "I didn't think that she would respond." She says while looking at all of the replies saying that Y/n's a 'savage'.

Dinah laughs. "It's Y/n we're talking about here, of course she's gonna respond." She says while standing up from the Cubans bed.

Camila sucks on her teeth. "What do I do?" She asks Dinah who's already heading for the door.

Dinah shrugs. "Not my problem." She says before exiting Camilas room.

Camila sighs and looks down at her phone. Just as she was about to click onto her camera roll she gets a text from her boyfriend.

Austin: hey baby girl meet me for ice cream?

Camila can't help the smile that takes over her face as she immediately types a response.

Camila: I'll be over in 5

The singer slides her phone in her pocket and stands up from the bed. She decided not to change since it's just a casual date.

As she walks out of the room she hears crying coming from Ally's room. Camila furrows her eyebrows and knocks on her band mates door.

"Ally? Are you okay?" Camila asks through the door.

Ally sniffles and wipes away her tears. She gets up and opens the door, she immediately latches herself onto the girl. "Troy broke up with me." She sobs into Camila's shoulder.

cliff hanger thingy??

depressed & sobbing bc I didn't get Dangerous Woman Tour tickets and I probably won't :/


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