Chapter 32

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While Little Mix and Y/n we're having fun at the girls flat, Fifth Harmony was stuck in the studio with Simon trying to put the finishing touches on the song.

Dinah was in the recording booth trying to get her verse perfect while the other four girls sat on their phones.

Camila has been looking at the text Y/n sent her for the past day. She has no idea how to respond to it. Everything that she thinks of is either too simple or doesn't sound right.

The "x" at the end of Y/ns message was the most confusing to Camila. She didn't know if it was a typo or a kiss. Camila decided that it was a typo after reading it the first time, but now she thinks that it could be a friendly kiss. This gets Camila excited since she might be able to be friends with Y/n again.

After a few more minutes, Camila finally decides on the awkward response that she thought up. While she was typing it Ally looked over Camilas shoulder and saw what she was typing.

"I wouldn't say that." Ally warns Camila while moving a little closer to the girl. Camila looks at her with her eyebrows furrowed, urging Ally to continue. "Saying 'I miss you' and 'love you' to Y/n would just make her dislike you even more, trust me. Just say a simple thank you and she'll be happy with that." Ally says with a smile which Camila reflects before typing away on her phone.

Camila: thank you


Y/ns phone vibrates in her pocket and she looks on her lock screen to see Camila's text. She raises her eyebrows and locks her phone. "Fucking bitch." She mutters and Jade looks over at her, even though she was trying to sleep.

"What happened?" Jade asks tiredly while rubbing her eyes.

"When I was in the studio with them and Devon wanted Camila to do the high note but I wanted Normani to do it, I kinda cursed Camila's name out a little and I sent an apology text and all I got was a thank you." Y/n quickly says without taking a breath, but once she finishes she releases all of the oxygen in her lungs.

Jade somehow comprehends everything that Y/n said and she shakes her head. "How annoying." She says while rolling her eyes. "Just don't think about it, you're done with them anyways. Did you text Simon?" Jade asks Y/n.

"Not yet, I probably would've forgotten if you didn't remind me." Y/n says while fishing her phone out of her pocket. "I'm doing it now." She says while unlocking her phone and pulling up Simons contact in a new message.

"Yay!" Jade cheers louder than was necessary. "I'm so proud of you." She says while embracing Y/n and squeezing her tightly as Y/n types the message.


"Oh bloody hell!" Simon curses after reading Y/ns text. He instantly puts the blame on one, or all, of the fifth harmony members.

Y/n was his last hope for Fifth Harmony to have a successful album, but he's glad that Y/n is giving him the songs she wrote. Simon doesn't only want the songs though, he wants the magic that Y/n puts into her songs but one of the girls ruined that for him.

Simon groans and looks out the big window in his office, that he only installed so he can feel powerful. He looks down at his phone again and types a text to the girls informing them of the news, he thinks that he can get some clues as to who's fault it is from the way the girls respond.

Lauren was watching Orange is the New Black
on Netflix when she received the text. She could feel her whole world come to a screeching stop. Lauren instantly clicked on the notification and a giant smile spread onto her face. She runs downstairs to tell the girls the great news, incase they haven't heard yet.

"Did you guys see tha-" Lauren begins excitedly while running into the living room.

"We know that you're happy and all that Y/n is out of your life forever, but think of what she could've done to help out album." Ally cuts Lauren off and motions for her to sit down.

Lauren rolls her eyes already recognizing this moment as one of Ally's motherly, teachable moments. She sits down besides Dinah, who is trying to control the happiness inside of her.

"Now that Y/n is gone, no one knows what type of personal touches we prefer on our songs. She was like our voices in the studio, don't y'all realize that?" Ally asks the girls.

Camila nods her head. "This is a win-lose situation. Except we're losing." She says sadly while showing a pout to Ally.

"Girl, this is a win-win situation." Dinah says while sitting up on the couch a little. "We're happy and that bitch is happy, it's over." She says and sits back down on the couch.

"I agree." Normani says. "Y/n did this so she wouldn't have to be around us, it was her decision not ours." She says and dismisses the topic.

Ally sees where her friends are coming from but she doesn't share the same views. "You girls can have that opinion, but I'm keeping mine." She says before walking out of the living room and up to her room to see if she received any texts from her boyfriend.

hi, long time no see hehe

i haven't had time to write because of my shitty english teachers need for us to write journals every night. during the summer, i promise i'll have a better updating schedule.

- sydney

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