Chapter 12

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"No thanks." Shay says with a fake smile before attempting to slam the door in Ally's face.

Before Shay could do that, Y/n stops the door by sticking her hand out. She doesn't know why she did but it was probably instincts. "You have five minutes." Y/n growls since she wants nothing to do with the daughter of Jesus and the four other girls.

Ally agrees and steps inside trying to ignore Shays glare. "Thank you." She says to Y/n who just nods in response.

The three women make their way into Y/ns living room where Sirius and Strauss are peacefully asleep in their beds. Y/n and Shay sit down on the couch while Ally sits down in the chair beside Y/n. The two best friends look at Ally signaling her to start.

"I'm sorry." Ally says beginning the rehearsed script that Simon gave her to say. "We're sorry for doing this to you, it wasn't our intention for it to go this far. It was only supposed to go on for a month or two." Ally stops speaking when she sees Y/ns expression.

Y/n has a blank expression on her face. Truthfully, she doesn't care about the girls apology. Y/n forgives the girls but she can't forget what they did. It's not like Y/n wants the five girls back in her life, they've caused enough damage already.

Ally panics and goes off script trying to get some form of reaction out of Y/n. "It was Dinah and Lauren's idea."

Y/n and Shay both perk their heads up to listen to what the girl is saying. Now they're interested.

"T-they we're scared that our career was failing and they said that you were an easy target. Of course, I disagreed and said that we should go for someone else since you're so sweet and kind and didn't deserve any of this. But, they insisted and got Camila and Normani on their side. The four of them pitched the idea to Simon a-and it just happened." Ally lies with a hopeful expression on her face.

Y/n looks at Shay and reads her expression. The singer did not know what to feel right now. The story seemed believable, knowing the four other girls. She just didn't know what to do.

"So you're saying that you got forced into doing what you did to my best friend?" Shay asks the girl seriously. She believes Ally's story but there were some parts missing.

Ally nods her head and thinks of a quick lie to get out of this. The girl was in way over her head. "Yes, they told me that it was the only way that we could survive in this business." She says simply trying to keep the lies to a minimum.

"Why did the other two agree to their plan? I thought that you all used to be a fan of Y/n?" Shay asks while placing her hand on Y/ns thigh.

Y/n perks up at the mention of her name. She zoned out for a bit being tired of all of this. Y/n just wants to sleep.

Ally gulps before speaking. "Lauren and Dinah told Normani and Camila that it was for the best, once again saying it was the only way that we could survive in this business. Both of them fell for their lies. Obviously we used to be a fan of Y/n, not saying that we aren't now-"

"But you've all said that you hate me." Y/n interrupts Ally.

Ally shakes her head. "I never said that Y/n." She says while looking at the girl.

Y/n cringes at the way that Ally says her name. Shay notices this and pats Y/ns leg reassuringly.

"I don't hate you, Y/n. I admire you." Ally says truthfully while placing her hand on the couch beside Y/n.

Y/n looks down at Ally's hand as if it were a weapon. As Ally begins to speak, Y/n looks back up at her.

"I never wanted to hurt you. I'm so sorry, Y/n, from the bottom of my heart." Ally finishes sincerely.

Shay and Y/n both look at each other. Both of the girls thought Ally's apology was good and by looking at each other they both knew that the other thought the same thing. "Fine, you're forgiven but just remember that I can't forget what you did." Y/n says before getting cut off by Shay.

"And if you hurt her one more time you're dead." Shay threatens which causes Ally to flinch.

"They didn't hurt me, geez, I'm fine." Y/n says while giving Shay an confused look.

Shay rolls her eyes at Y/n's comment. "Welcome to the family." Shay says before getting up off of the couch and leaving the room.

Ally looks at Y/n and Y/n raises her head to look at Ally. "Friends?" The girl group member asks Y/n.

Y/n nods her head. "Friends." She confirms before placing her hand on top of Ally's.

bad news y' surgery was better than expected and I won't be out of school for a week. I'll try to write as much as I can this weekend but no promises. (btw the dramas just starting)


Same Mistakes (A Fifth Harmony/ You Story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن