Chapter 38

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"You're such a bitch." Y/n groans into the phone as Kendall continues to scold her about allowing Fifth Harmony on the plane.

"I'm a bitch?!" Kendall asks Y/n. "I'm never leaving you alone again, we're supposed to hate them! HATE them!" She exclaims.

"I'm trying to take the high road here, Kendall." Y/n says then looks down at her phone to see a call from Perrie trying to get through. "I've got to go, we can talk about this later." She says quickly.

"Don't you even th-" Y/n cuts Kendall off by handing the phone up. She then answers Perries call while walking out of the room.

"Sorry about that." Y/n tells Camila as she sits back down at the booth.

Camila smiles at Y/n but notices she still has her phone against her ear. "It's fine." She says sadly since Y/ns been on the phone non-stop since after the plane took off. Camila wants to spend time with Y/n and bond with her.

"Y/N! COME BACK PLEASE!" Perrie screams into the phone causing Y/n to hold the phone away from her ear.

"What did I tell you about yelling? God Perrie, my fucking ear." Y/n says into the phone while fixing it back against her ear.

"I told you not to do phone calls with phones against your ear! Use your headphones you're not getting brain cancer and dying on us!" Perrie yells back.

Y/n grabs her headphones but keeps one headphone out so she can hear if Camila says anything. "There, happy now?" She asks while setting her phone on the table.

"No." Perrie says sadly. "I want my Y/n back." She says and Y/n could hear the pout through her voice.

Lauren keeps gripping onto her seat out of anger. The amount of talking that Y/ns done during the last hour should be illegal. She just wants to snap Y/ns phone in half and shut her up.

Y/n looks up at Camila and notices her distant look. "I wish I could've stayed longer, you know how much I love you girls." She says while kicking Camilas foot softly.

Camila jolts out of her thoughts and looks to Y/n to be met with a curious stare. She looks back out the window just as she makes eye contact with Y/n.

"I've got to go, I'll call you later cutie." Y/n says quickly after realizing what's going on.

"Fine, better be FaceTime. I love you!" Perrie says happily into the phone.

"I love you more." Y/n hangs up the phone and puts it away. "No more phone, I promise." She tells Camila.

Camila looks over at Y/n and smiles. "Good." She says and returns to her normal position. "I was looking through your songs and I really like that one called-" She gets cut off by Y/ns phone ringing.

"Turning it off." Y/n says and shuts down her phone before putting it away again. "'Gotta Be You?'" Y/n asks Camila trying to finish her sentence.

"Yeah! How did you know?" Camila perks up excitedly.

Y/n shrugs. "I have my ways." She says and remembers how a little bit of that song was inspired by Camila.

Ally listens to Y/n and Camilas conversation maybe if she didn't mess up, she could be over there talking with Y/n too. Normani can't help but listen too, she was hoping that Dinah would distract her but she's too busy snapchatting this experience.

After a moment of silence, Y/n decides to tell Camila about everything that Kendall was telling her. "Kendall called to update me on how Journals is doing cause Scooter couldn't call me. I didn't care about it though cause it was only a fun release." Y/n says and decides to leave out the part about Camila and the girls.

Same Mistakes (A Fifth Harmony/ You Story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ