Chapter 28

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"I WILL PERSONALLY SLICE HER THROAT OPEN AND SACRIFICE HER TO THE DEVIL!" Perrie yells angrily as her face turns slightly red, which Y/n can see since they're face timing.

"Perrie, calm down it's not that big of a deal." Y/n laughs and Kendall glares at her.

"You motherfucking told the bitch something and she just left you, for that fucking ogre!" Kendall says while shoving the most recent text from Ally in Y/ns face.

"We weren't dating or even friends." Y/n says while grabbing her phone and looking at the text message. She quickly reads it again, to remind herself of what happened.

Allyson: i can't be around you anymore y/n. even though we're friends, people close to me are feeling attacked by it and i decided to end our friendship. this person matters to me more than you do.

Y/n had forgiven Ally the day before this text was sent, so she was right about her prediction. "I think my purpose is to be fucking treated like a toy." Y/n says while locking her phone and putting it in her pocket.

"She's missin' out." Leigh says coming back into the view of the camera since she left to get a drink.

Kendall grips onto her leg, not being able to control the anger. "If I ever see that bitch again, I will fucking-"

"Okay, calm down." Y/n says while rubbing Kendall's back like she would do to a child.

"Awh baby Kendall." Leigh teases and Kendall glares at her through the phone.

As Kendall opens her mouth Y/n cuts her off. "Don't even think about it." She says and gives Kendall a look.

Kendall closes her mouth and looks down at the floor.

"No I don't want to go!" Jade whines as Jesy whispers into her ear. "She's trying to make me go, Y/n stop her!" She says and Y/n pouts knowing that the girls have a day full of interviews.

"Sorry babes, but you got to go. I'll call you later." Y/n says and Jade smiles at her.

"Promise?" Jade asks and Y/n smiles.

"Pinky promise." Y/n says and Jade let's Jesy pull her out of the room to get ready.

"If Jade wasn't straight, I would totally ship you two." Leigh says and Perrie agrees. "Alright tootles!" She says and ends the FaceTime.

"I don't get why you're friends with them." Kendall says while standing up.

Y/n glares at her. "I could tell you why I'm friends with them for hours, so I'm just going to ignore that comment." She says while standing up from the couch as well.


"So, you guys are good friends with Y/n, am I correct?" The interviewer asks the girls.

All four girls nod their head, and Jade smiles the most out of them all.

"Have you guys seen the recent articles about Y/n getting back together with Fifth Harmony?" He asks and three of the girls snicker at the thought.

Jade, on the other hand takes this seriously. "I love when people downgrade people of pure talent to their relationships. Y/n has so much talent and that's what you choose to talk about." Jade says angrily and the interviewer is stunned, but the other three girls encourage her on. "You could have chosen to talk about how she's working on a new album, how she's helping us with our album, or how she's doing fucking charity work to help bloody Fifth Harmony with theirs! But no, you had to choose stupid false rumors that stupid reporters do for views." Jade says and could continue going before someone escorts her out of the room.

Same Mistakes (A Fifth Harmony/ You Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz