Chapter 9

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"Bye!" Y/n calls out after Kendall as she leaves for a trip to New York City for modeling.

Kendall dramatically blows Y/n kisses from the window of the car as she drives away. Now all of Y/n's friends are out of town. Victoria is in Chicago helping some other artist write songs and Shay is on set for Pretty Little Liars. Y/n's all alone in her giant house with her dogs.

Y/n shuts the door without locking it before walking into the living room while humming some tune that she just came up with. Which reminds Y/n that she's got to work on new songs for her album.

Y/n spins around and almost trips over Ophelia before opening the basement door. She goes down the stairs and opens the door to her studio.

There are multiple sheets of paper spread across the table and on the floor. It's a mess. The singer pushes away some of the papers so she has room to work, she'll worry about those later.

Three of Y/n's dogs find their places on the couch behind Y/n. They all lay down in different positions on the couch as Y/n continues to finish her album.


Ally can't stop how her leg is bouncing up and down as she gets closer to Y/n's house. Nervous would be an understatement for what she's feeling right now.

What if Kendall's there and beats her up? Yes, she deserves it but it would hurt a lot. Then there are the rats that Y/n keeps in her house, or what she refers to as dogs. Some of those dogs are vicious, what if they attack her?

"Five minutes." The driver says in a monotone voice from the front seat.

Ally nods her head while staring out the window. Those five minutes seemed to go by in a breeze because Ally finds herself looking directly at Y/n's house.

"You ready, Miss?" The driver asks as he opens the door for the woman.

Ally gets snapped out of her trance and nods her head. "Uh-yeah." She says while gently jumping out of the car and onto the pavement.

A swarm of butterflies begin to attack Ally's stomach as she advances towards Y/n's house. She debates wether to go back to the car or not.

"I'll be waiting right here until you're done." The driver tells Ally as she walks away.

Ally hesitantly nods her head and begins to walk up the stairs to Y/n's front door. She got even more nervous with every step that she climbed.

The girl group member took a deep breath before knocking on the door. Barking was heard from inside which scared Ally at first.

The sounds of heels clicking along the floor made Ally want to run back to the car. The door opening made it worse.

"Who are you?" A tall woman with red hair who Ally didn't recognize opened the door.

Ally furrows her eyebrows and remembers how Simon said, a few days ago, that Y/n might have already moved on. This woman must be Y/n's girlfriend. "I'm looking for Y/n." Ally says.

"Oh." The woman laughs. "She moved a long time ago." She says while leaning against the door frame.

"O-oh." Ally stutters out while looking at the ground. "Well, uh, thank you." She says in a low tone.

"No problem, wish I could help you find her though." The woman says kindly before shutting her door.

Ally purses her lips together and walks back to the van.

"No luck?" The driver asks the girl while opening the door for Ally again.

"She moved." Ally says as she gets back into the van.

plot twist thingy?? yeah haha okay

Bad Things is sooo fucking good!!!! I didn't expect it to be this good, I thought it was going to be like ILWYDLS (no hate tho). I can't stop listening to it omfg. Go buy the bop


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