Chapter 7

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Kendall runs into Y/n's bedroom laughing her ass off. Both Victoria and Y/n tiredly perk up from the bed.

Y/n curiously looks up at the girl with her eyebrows furrowed. "What's so funny?" She asks her best friend.

Kendall shakes her head while falling onto the bed, still laughing.

Victoria rubs her eyes and stretches her arms above her head, after a long night in the studio the two girls were extremely tired.

Kendall sits on the bed and calms herself down. "Jesus is now officially single." She says using one of her nicknames that she has given the girls and immediately starts laughing again.

Y/n and Victoria confusingly look at each other, not knowing who the person is even though Kendall has told them both multiple times.

"Who is that again?" Y/n asks as the rasp in her voice surprises herself.

"Ugh Y/n! Why are you so stupid?" Kendall groans. "For the final time, Ally is Jesus-"

Kendall stops as she watches Y/n cringe at what she thinks is the mention of Ally. "Ew." The singer pauses. "Religion." Y/n finishes.

Victoria chuckles before urging Kendall to continue on before she goes back to sleep.

"Camila is Texas, Dinah is bitch who's from like fifty places, Lauren is odd color eyes bitch, and Normani is Jesus number two, since I couldn't think of anything else for her." Kendall explains which Y/n payed no attention to since she was watching Ophelia play with her toy alone in the corner. "Got it?" Kendall asks her two best friends.

"Yup." Victoria answers for both Y/n and herself. "Going back to when you barged into here, why is Al-Jesus being single funny ?" Victoria asks with her head tilted to the side.

Kendall starts laughing and fans herself. "I don't know." She says and tries to get herself to stop laughing.

"How did you know?" Y/n curiously asks Kendall as she snaps out of her trance of staring at her dog.

Kendall finally stops laughing and wipes her eyes free of tears before speaking. "It's trending on Twitter." She says.

"Ken, have some sympathy for her. She must be heartbroken." Y/n tells her best friend which Kendall responds by rolling her eyes.

"Y/n, I don't mean to bring this up again but, she was the one who treated you like shit. I think that she deserves this, they all deserve what's coming to them." Victoria says with a shrug.

"Karma's a bitch." Kendall says with a smirk tugging at her lips.

"Damn, I forgot all about that." Y/n says with a nervous laugh. "Still, we shouldn't be laughing at her." She says.

"Why are you such a good person?" Kendall asks with a groan as she falls back onto Y/ns bed dramatically.

Y/n shrugs and rests on her pillow again. She takes her phone from the nightstand beside her and opens up the twitter app. A text from Shay reminds Y/n that she was planning on tweeting something last night but it slipped her mind to.

@/y/t/n: finding someone who thinks you're interesting enough to talk to you every day, whether theyre a friend or a lover, is one of the best feelings ever

"Awe is that about me?" Victoria coos with a smile on her face.

"Hell no." Y/n laughs while clicking the tweet button.

"Duh it's about me." Kendall says while flipping her hair.

Y/n shakes her head while typing another tweet.

@/y/t/n: @/shaymitch love you

"Of course it's about her." Kendall comments while rolling her eyes.

"I wove you Kennyboo." Y/n says in her baby voice.

Kendall fights a smile. "Shut up." She mutters while Victoria laughs at her two best friends.


"Y/n!" Jen, Y/n's manager, calls out as she enters the household.

Y/n runs down the marble stairs with a few of her dogs following behind her. "Jenny!" She squeals.

Jen quickly catches Y/n in her arms so the two women don't fall onto the hard floor. "Jeez, it's only been a week since I saw you last." Jen laughs.

Y/n jumps off of Jen as Cinnamon nudges his head across Jen's legs. "That's one week too long." Y/n says while crossing her arms over her chest with a fake pout written across her face.

"Well, I've got some fun news." Jen tells Y/n which causes Y/n's face to light up.

Y/n eagerly jumps up and down like a child waiting for Jen to give her the news. "What is it?" She asks after a few moments.

"I landed you an interview on Ellen in two days!" Jen exclaims while clapping her two hands together.

Y/n's jaw drops then she smiles. "I haven't seen her in forever!" She exclaims excitedly. "We have to go get ready." Y/n panics.

"But it's in two days?" Jen questions the girl who's already halfway up the stairs.

"That's only 7200 seconds!" Y/n yells while climbing up the final step and onto the upper floor back to where Victoria and Kendall were sleeping.

sorry that this chapter is a shitty filler chapter. I might re-update it later tonight


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