Chapter 70

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"Normani's the one we like." Victoria reminds Blue since Blue walked in on Y/n and Normani kissing. Blue has not taken the news that Y/n is back together with one of the girls from Fifth Harmony so well.

"I don't like her! She is a bully." Blue states while crossing her arms over her chest.

"And she's sitting right here." Normani says with a tight smile from her spot beside Y/n.

"Is someone talking? All I hear is the wind." Blue asks Victoria who laughs at Blue's response. "If I catch her kissing aunt Y/n one more time I'm gonna beat her up." She declares to Victoria and Y/n.

"I thought you couldn't see her?" Y/n asks the child of the only known Goddess walking on this planet.

Blue makes a 'really' face at Y/n. "I can see her, sadly, I can't hear her." She says in a sassy voice.

Normani frowns even though she knows all of this is meant in a joke way and that Blue doesn't really mean this. Blue's too young to know what all of this means anyways.

Y/n notices this and her heart swells up. "Baby." She whines in a loving tone while wrapping more of herself around Normani. Then leaves a few kisses on her cheek.

"No Y/n! Don't give in!" Blue screams while lunging towards the two girls but Victoria holds her back.

Just to tease the little girl more, Y/n fully straddles Normani then she turns around to see Blue holding a pillow in front of her face. "Blue, watch this." She says and Blue lowers the pillow.

Y/n looks down at Normani and sees that her eyes are opened wide in shock. She gives her a confused look for a moment before leaning down and connecting their lips. Normanis hands instantly go into Y/ns hair and Normani feels her heart rate pick up with every passing second.

"I need a cross! Victoria where's a cross?!" Blue shouts frantically while running into the kitchen to look for one.

Victoria whips her phone out and takes a picture of the two girls, to use at a later occasion, before chasing after Blue.

Y/n and Normani are still trapped in their own world, but they changed positions so Normanis laying down with Y/n on top of her. Y/n moves her hand under Normanis shirt and Normani jumps.

Y/n pulls away and quickly apologizes. "I'm sorry baby." She says in a concerned tone.

"Your hands are cold." Normani states in a whisper tone then uses her hands to pull Y/n back into a kiss.

"What is that?" The two girls hear Victoria ask Blue in the kitchen.

"I couldn't find a cross but I found a knife." Blue tells Victoria while walking back towards the living room. Normani and Y/n break their kiss after hearing this.

It takes a second for it to register in Victoria's mind. "A KNIFE?!" She exclaims. "NO!" She commands while running after Blue and grabbing her and the knife before she can leave the kitchen.

Y/n lays her head down on Normanis shoulder. "She's trying to kill you." She laughs against Normani's body.

The front door slams open before Normani could respond. "Whoops, sorry." Camila's voice is heard from the entrance of the house.

Normani clenches her jaw after hearing Camila's voice. Camila confronted Normani last night about having a crush on Y/n, Normani literally laughed in her face and Camila ran away and cried in her room all night. Camila only came out of her room to see Y/n.

Camila enters the house and sees Victoria and Blue in the kitchen. "Hey!" Camila says happily after seeing the both of them.

Y/n keeps on trying to get off of Normani but Normani still has her hands tangled in Y/ns hair so she won't move. Normani didn't even notice this since she can't take her eyes off of Camila.

"Hi Camila." Victoria says in the same happy tone as Camila. Blue narrows her eyes at Camila. "She's the one you like." Victoria reminds Blue.

"Good one!" Blue cheers after registering that Camila is the one that Y/n forgave first. She runs out of the kitchen and over to Camila. "I'm so happy that you came to rescue Y/n, she's trapped by one of the bad ones." Blue explains while pointing over to Y/n and Normani.

Y/n waves at Camila with a smile. "I would be hugging you right now but Normani here doesn't know how to release her grip." She tells Camila with some sass laced in her voice.

"We're cuddling." Normani whines while removing one of her hands from Y/ns hair and wrapping it around Y/ns waist.

Camila rolls her eyes at Normani, Y/n catches this and she raises her eyebrows. She realizes that something defiantly happened between the girls last night.

Y/n makes eye contact with Victoria then she looks between Normani and Camila. Victoria somehow gets what Y/n is saying with her eyes and she disappears to find a reason to make Normani let go of Y/n.

The three girls, and Blue, sit in silence for a short time. Blue breaks the silence with a question that makes Normanis blood boil. "When are you and Y/n getting married?" Blue asks Camila while smiling at the girl.

Y/ns eyes bulge out and Normani tightens her grip on Y/ns waist. Camila has the same reaction as Y/n. "Uh." Camila quickly says but then she looks over at Normani and remembers last night. "Whenever she's ready." She says confidently.

Y/n chokes on her own spit and she visibly sees one of Normanis veins on her neck pop out. She makes eye contact with Camila and Camila winks at her, after a few failed attempts.

"Y/N WHAT THE FUCK?!" Victoria exclaims from upstairs. Y/n makes a confused face until she remembers what she told Victoria to do. "YOU NASTY ASS BI-" Victoria cuts herself off after she hears Y/n running up the stairs.

Normani noticed Y/ns face and that's the only reason that she let Y/n go. Now she's screwed since she's left in the room with the child who hates her and Camila.

Y/n and Victoria quickly sneak down the steps to see if anything goes down between the two girls. They get to a point where they can hear the girls but they can't be seen.

"Why?" Camila asks Normani while sitting down on the single-seat across from her.

"Why what?" Normani asks Camila while adjusting herself so she's sat straight up.

Blue just sits still and looks between the two girls as they both stare at each other with evil glares.

"Y/n knows that I like her and she likes me too, I hope." Camila says confidently.

"I know for a fact that Y/n likes me, if you're not even sure that she likes you back why do you wanna be with her?" Normani asks Camila and tilts her head at the end.

Camila ignores Normanis dumb question and thinks of a good response question. "How do you know she likes you? Has she told you?" She asks Normani curiously.

Normani reflects back on the past days. She purses her lips and Camila takes that as a 'no'.

"That's what I thought." Camila states. "There's no actual reason why you should have her over me. If you're so confident that you can make her happier than I can, why can't we both fight for her?" Camila asks Normani.

Normani sighs and crosses her arms over her chest. She thinks about it for a moment and figures out that Camila is right. "Fine." Normani says, only because she is confident that she will beat Camila to getting Y/ns heart.

"Fine." Camila repeats with a tight smile on her face.

The silence that followed those words was interrupted by Blue screaming. "Y/n!" She yells while jumping off of her spot on the couch and running to the stairs.

Y/n and Victoria quickly pretend that they're coming down the stairs. As soon as Blue sees Y/n she starts spilling everything that she heard until Normani jumps up and stops her.

well actually if any of you have an idea on how to end it i can try to write one last chapter by summoning my inner harmonizer. i was going through the comments before posting this and you guys had some good ones while i was gone. i hope the people asking for me to update somehow figure out i updated... 

i'll check back tomorrow morning to see if any of you are here 


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2020 ⏰

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