Chapter 1

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Nick's POV

The smell of the hospital was one that I was very familiar with. I spend a lot of time here as a 7 year old and as a 12 year old. Group therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy, individual psych tests. It was the story of my life.

"So Nick why are you here?" Doctor Sullivan says sitting across me.

"I can't deal anymore. I found myself waking up with a gun or a knife in my hands." I say sitting on the couch. "I'm hearing voices again. Not just one but three different ones."

"Nick usually something happens before you relapse and head into a schizophrenic breakdown."

"Lets see. In the last month Mason got arrested and is being charged with murder of two people and the woman who is responsible for this is under a witness protection programme." I say. "My fiance has disappeared off the grid. I have some kind of obsession of finding her but I can't... I just can't." I say panicking again. "Its taking over me."

"Okay. Let tackle one issue at the same time. I think we should place you back on the medicine. It can help you get back control of your thoughts. Lets start with the issue of your fiance."

"She's not my fiance anymore. She's gone."

"So what happened."

"Her little sister died. She went all crazy. Couldn't handle it. All the deaths she been through. Her family and friends are all wiped out and it all came down onher."

"If she has left. I think you should move on. Start by progressing your day about yourself. Not about..."

"Desi." I say filling in the gap.

"Right." She says and I nod. "Okay. I can totally do that."

"Its okay to panick or have a breakdown Nick. Its how we head back from it."


"I found her." Tim says jumping up. His laptop almost fell on to the floor. "Witness protection my ass." He says and I know straight away he was talking about Hazel. Liam high fives him as they sit back down.

"That bitch." Cleo says. "God Mason dodged a bullet with that psycho." She says sitting on the couch. "Cannot believe she testified against a death she wasnt even conscious to see."

"Well we find her and kill her before the court case." CJ says

"Is that what Mason wants? Her dead?" I ask

"Yes he clearly said this. Dead. You was at the hospital."

"Yeah and you just got released dont think too much about this." Cleo says and I look at her. "I'm fine." I say clearing my throat.

"So where is she?" Liam asks.

"Washington." Tim says. "Road trip."

"I think Cleo should stay with me and Mason." I say. She didn't know word was out that her step brother found out where she is. But her travelling would be a bad plan. CJ nods in favour as he smiled innocently at his girlfriend.

"Okay so what is up with the smiling." She says

"I never smile. Its not me." I shrug walking away from this situation to call my mother.

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