Chapter 45

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Nick's POV

"Hello?" I ask as Desi answers her phone.

"Hey." She says. "What is up?" Hearing her voice was wuite soothing.

"What am I hearing about you doing missions in Seattle on your own. Your boss is setting you up."

"Who told you that?"

"It doesn't matter." I say

"Nick- chill out. I'm at home. Im fine." She says. "What happened?"

"I stole a list. Did not get caught and came out. It was Georgia right? Suarez told me he's testing her lotalty."


"So what? You were speaking to Georgia?"

"I thought youre taking a break?" I ask. "Like you're on your summer break?"

"Listen father. Chill out." She says.

"So she's not dead." CJ says and I get up walking out to the garden.

"I'm not dead no." She says clearly hearing CJ. "What the fuck Desi." I say. "You know how annoying that is?" I ask

"I'm honestly going to hang up if youre being a douche."

"I'm just worried about your safety." I say sitting down at the pool bench.

"I'm fine Nick. I can take care of myself. I'm worried about you to be honest."

"What about me?"

"Well you're actually more in the game than I am babe. Besides your anger issues are just crazy on it own."

"Well I'm actually takng care of myself. Cleo is the one losing it. You might wanna speak to her about it."

"Whats wrong with Cleo?" She asks.

"Her mothers a bitch." I say.

"Old news." She says and I chuckle. "We should do something really nice for Cleo once I get back."

"Youre back in like a months time." I say and she chuckles. "I miss you." She says.

"Then come home. Cut it short. You had a nice vacation. Why don't you come home?"

"Why is it I can't even tell you I miss you without you being a douche?"

"You knew I was a douche when you met me." I say and she laughs. "I do really love you."

"Yeah. I know that." I say and she chuckles. "I'm going to the movies with Karen. I'll call you later okay?" She says.

"Alright." I say. "Laters babe." I walk back inside and sit down with the guys.

"So Georgia's loyalties were being tested by Suarez. She's fired I guess."

"Oh shit." Mason says.

"Okay I'm confused- so she came to tell you not even you?" Liam asks looking at Mason and I. Honestly, did not care anymore whether they fucked or not because Georgia and I haven't been together for years and even though I had feelings for her at some point. I really do not anymore. I catch feelings quick? Who do I not have feelings for at some point. I was heavily in love with Meghan more than twice. I actually thought I had feelings for Georgia. Then I had a crush on Hazel for a while too. I mean damn its difficult. But Ive never felt this way like I feel with Desi now. Shes more than sex. She's more than a pretty face and an amazing body. Her personality makes me wanna punch the wall as well as admire her for hours. It was weird.

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