Chapter 23

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Nick's POV

Its been 2 days since Desi decided to throw a fit and get mad and ignore me. I get she felt disrespected and I couldn't control Georgia 's loud mouth. I sat on the kitchen table as Georgia ate noodles. Where the fuck do I send her to? She couldn't stay here much longer because she annoyed the guys and Desi wouldn't be happy and I wasn't in a position to be risking Desi's happiness.

"Whats your plan?" I ask her.

"Well get my house back. Naomi and her buddies need to get lost because I paid fir the house. Its on my name."

"Thats why theyre trying to scare you off." I say and she nods. I look at my phone feeling it buzzing but no Desi.

"You need to apologize to my girlfriend." I say looking at her. "Who?" She says and I sigh.

"You're pissing me off." I say getting up.

"Alright." She shrugs. "I'll do it."

"I'm not protecting you by the way from anybody. Your past shows you're not very appreciative of this."

"I'm leaving today." She says. "I can't stand new york winters."

It was a struggle to not speak to or see Desi for 2 days. She annoyed the hell out of me because I've never cheated on her. She was the one who disappeared every now and then. I had the trustissues with her. I call Desi as I walk to my room. Surprisingly she picks up. She must miss me too.

"Hey." I say

"Hi." She says

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine Nick." She sighs.

"You wanna talk or something?" I ask not really sure what she wanted. Where was Sophia when I needed her. "No." She says

"I get it- I fucked up. What do you want me to do?"

"You can come over?" She says. "But no talking." She says making me chuckle.

"I'm down with that." I say and I knew one hundred percent she just smiled.

I head over to Desi's apartment where I knocked and did not break in. "Hi." She says opening the door. I liked no talking because I didn't have to think hard and deep about shit. I pull her in kissing her lips. Fuck how I missed her.

"Nick-" she says in between the kiss. "What?" I ask looking at her. She wipes her lipstick off my mouth. She was wearing make up meaning she was heading somewhere. I follow her in as she takes my hand.

"Luke and Tamara came by. They were going to a party in New Jersey and invited me."

"Is it not a little early for a party?" I ask seeing it was 5."

"The drive and we're gonna stay at a hotel." She tells me. Her voice comes over me of the no controlling speech. I shrug and nod slowly trying super hard not to be a dick. "Okay." I say and she looks at me and chuckles.

"I'm not going. I was just seeing your reaction. Were going to dinner before they leave." She says and I nod feeling a little relief. Desi partying with guys everywhere and I was no where to protect her? No thanks.

"Thought you were taking my girl out for a party." I say looking at Luke. He chuckles fist bumping me as I sit down next to him.

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