Chapter 7

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Nick's POV

Cody stares at me as he sat across me as I typed away on my laptop. The kitchen was definitely not somewhere I could do work on my legitimate businesses. Everyone walked in and out. But not Cody. He sat there and stared at me for atleast 20 minutes now. CJ's little brother was as annoying as him to be honest.

"Are you okay?" I ask and he nods

"How come you don't talk much?" He asks. "I've been here 2 days and even when everyone talks you don't say much." He says. He looked a lot like CJ too. The dark curly hair that fell over his forehead. The dark eyes that stared at me trying to figure me out. He was as open and blunt as CJ too.

Why am I so quiet? Lets see kid. My therapist believes I am still traumatized in a way that I rather not say much. Or maybe the fact that I got hospitalized and I was muted for a year and a half when I was 7.

"I have no idea." I say sparing him the details of my horrid childhood.

"You look like you had a tough childhood." He says. "The silence. The whole no emotions being on display." He says

"How old are you again?" I ask looking back at my laptop. Tim walks into the kitchen opening the fridge getting a bottle of water out.

"14." He says. "So let me guess your father physically and emotionally abused you." He says

"14 or not if you don't mind your own business. I'll still beat your ass." I say and he chuckles. "Okay okay let me take 1 more guess."

"Your mother left you at a firestation."

"I wish." I say. "CJ your brother is psych-evaluating me." I shout into the livingroom. Cody laughs at me as I roll my eyes. What an annoying child. "I like you." He says and I nod. "Thats nice to hear?"

"So what do you guys do? CJ won't tell me."

"Its the mystery." Sam says walking into the kitchen. I "Nobody knows except them."

"Don't you have school to be at?" I ask and he nods. "Yes its 5 oclock douche. I heard Mr and Mrs Mckluskey are moving back to Chicago." He says. "Which meams theyre pulling their 5 kids out of school."

"So their names need to be put up higher on the waiting list." I say and he nods. "On it." Tim says leaving the room.

"Whats happening?" CJ says

"Good news." I say

"Were going to private school." Cody says smiling at his big brother. "Which I have to pay for." CJ says. "Just saying if you guys misbehave. You're in boarding school until you are 18.'' He says. Cynthia and Cleo walk into the kitchen wondering what is happening and they get filled in. ''Well, I get to be part of the rich kids squad and pretend my parents are doctors or lawyers or entrepreneurs.'' She says but only Sam chuckles. ''Its not that bad.'' He says staring at her. Clearly he was attracted to her because his polite personality turned to being extremely nice.

''I have this family dinner tonight but tomorrow I don't mind showing you guys around school.''

''Sure.'' Cynthia says smiling back at Sam. ''Where did you guys move from anyway?''

''Fairview.'' Cynthia says. ''Dead city really. Nothing ever happens.''

''Except for the time you set the school on fire.'' Cody says looking at his sister.

''You did what?'' CJ says looking at his sister. ''It was an accident.'' She shrugs.

''Dude I thought you said you were going to tell them to hurry up.'' Sophia says walking into the house. ''I need a napkin.'' She mumbles finding one wiping her mouth. ''Your bushes are semi ruined.'' She then tells me.

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