Chapter 42

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Nick's POV

It felt like an interview being here. I've never been grilled by no girlfriends family. Meghan's family tried that shit and I walked out. I never used to speak to them. Me trying my hardest for Desi was to show her how much I cared because I've been ignoring her for so long. She didn't know I was back on medicine after I started hearing shit again. I just didn't want to worry her. Then we had some weirdos to deal with that tried invading NY which is why my knuckles were busted and why my eye was blue.

"My family?" I say scratching the back of my head. I really wanted to show Desi I cared for what she cared about. Mason has lectured me that shit would get way more difficult if I was a dick to her family. "My parents are lawyers. Well my dad used to be. I've got 6 siblings."

"6 siblings? That is a lot." Karen says and I chuckle. "Hes got more." Desi clarifies and Karen raises her eyebrows in confusion. I actually forgot about the rest of my siblings most of the times. Even Cleo.

Karen waited for an explanation. It was weird how much she looked like Desi. Even more than Hailey did. "I'm adopted." I say and she nods. "The 6 siblings are my adoptive siblings. 5 brothers and a sister." I say.

"Oh wow I've never met someone who was adopted." She says. "Is it weird?"

"No- I grew up with them. My parents raised me." I say and she nods. "So how many siblings do you have? In total?" Hailey asks.

"6 adoptive, 3 from my biological father and 4 from my biological mother. 13 in total."

"Wow. Thats a whole football team and substitutes." Karen says and I chuckle. Heard that joke before but I'm trying to be polite.

"So how did you end up being adopted?" Karen asks.

"Karen- you're being rude." Hailey says and I agree. But atleast she was openly rude. I know they wanted to know too. "My biological mother had me at 16- she was a drug addict." I say. "My mother just seemed to be on the case of my biological mothers neglect and abuse trial. She took me home."

"Oh. Your mother is an angel." The grandma says and I nod. She really was.

"Are you the only one adopted?"

"No. Were all adopted except the twins." I say trying to eat my food.

"Okay enough of asking questions." Desi says and I silently thank her. I eat my food while they talk about children on the news with drug addictions and everything and how it was good for people to intervene. Her family was a lot like her. She fitted in well with the chit chat and the laughs and the constant conversation. It was nice seeing her so happy.

After dinner everyone helps cleaning up and I tried not bumping into anyone in this tiny kitchen. "I'm tired. Good night honeys." Grandmother says hugging everyone. This whole family liked to hug people. Second hug of the day. Hailey and her baby go to bed too and Karen follows and I don't even listen to her excuse

"Its 8 oclock. They sleep early." I say and Desi chuckles. "They're doing it on purpose we usually sleep late watch movies and that."

"Oh." I say. They were nice people.

"So you really like i down here."

"Yep." She says. "Wish they lived in NY."

"Wish you'd come back with me to NY." I tell her. She looks at me almost telling me off.

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