Rosalie's backstory

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"Are you ready to see who I really am,all the secrets and darkness I hold ?"I shook my head and she zoned out probably talking to Lily and Daraioy .She looked at me and sighed while gently caressing my face.

"Okay "I looked at her surprised

"Your gonna tell me everything "She shook her head


Rosalie's POV

I sighed as we finally got into our hotel room

"Okay let's get changed ,order some food and then we can talk "He shook his head and I began to strip but paused when I heard an approving growl.Slowly I turned around to see Jason's eyes were pitch black.

"Now now my love we have plenty of time for that when we return home ,but you and I both know he needs to hear about my past "I said gently caressing Nathan's face

"Fine but when we get back...."He trailed of growling lowly

" Patience my love patience "I said patting his chest

"Fine but when we get back your
mine "He kissed me with all his might pouring his love and lust into the kiss .I pulled away and smiled when I noticed my Jason returned.

" Now how about we sit down....get comfortable we're gonna be here for a while "I said pulling him to the king sized bed . After we got in Jason wrapped his arms around me waiting for me to start

"Okay were do you want me to began ?My father ?Passed lovers ? Or Daraioys past ,the other things will have to wait until we're home and you'll understand why when the time comes "He shook his head and looked in deep thought before turning towards me

"Which is the least painful ?"I thought about it for a minute before deciding to get the jealously filled part over with

"Ex lovers ,now remember I'm yours and you are mine and these lovers are from my past and will remain there "He shook his head and I could already tell his wolf was at bay

"I only had three people that I fell deeply in love with first it was Azor then came Anfroy and lastly Drew "I said the last name with so much anger and discuss

"Azor was a warlock but only used his powers for good . We met when I was training to control my powers ,I must of been 16-17 at the time .My father of course the heartless bastard he was forbid us from seeing each other when he found out we were. I of course rebelled and ran away with him .We went into the world of witches and warlocks ,there I was taught how to balance my vampire and wolf ,while Azor was studying to strengthen his gifts to heal ."I paused to make sure Jason was okay and when I saw he was I continued

"5 months after I ran away ,my father sent about dozens of search parties but always came back empty handed .Azor sprayed a mist that's masks my scent with his ,everyday I fell more in love with him until that horrible day came .We were in our little apartment when dark mist appeared and consumed my body controlling my every move.Azor knew it was the doing of a warlock hired to take me back to my father .He did all he could to break me free from the dark magic but failed.I was given a choice ether go without fighting or to watch the man I loved die before my eyes ,I obviously chose to go and not let Azor be harmed .After our goodbyes I took my things and was snapped back to the palace were my father had the warlock chain me to the dungeon walls and perform dark magic on me so I would learn my lesson .To this day the warlock still apologies for his actions but in his defense his wife and unborn child were being threatened by my father and he's vowed to correct all his wrongs and now his heart is as pure as gold "I said smiling
to myself

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