Dark Secrets 2

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***Authors Note****

Yesterday I was experiencing some problems where a chapter I uploaded got deleted so I had to rewrite it then I woke up this morning to see it was back along with 3 of the same chapter that I already uploaded I have no idea what happened but I'm happy I got back my original chapter that I put so much time and effort into .



"I looked him straight in the eyes and pulled the trigger a fourth time shooting him in the head...I watched as the life left his eyes and before he fully died he weakly smiled "I said as an unpleasant shiver ran down my spine

"I didn't know that I was really to far gone to change until I pulled the trigger ,after that I knew there was no saving me or changing me back to the girl I use to be "I said feeling one tear slip until they were falling continuously

"I still had his blood covering my dress as I ran to the potions room..."

Rosie's POV

"I still had his blood covering my dress as I ran to the potions room were my grandma starred at me in shock before I started yelling at her to mix together everything I needed "I said glancing at grandma who smiled at me to gone on

"After she finished making it I put it into a syringe and ran to my dads office where I busted through the door "I felt a deep pain strike right through my heart

"Before he could react I plunged it right into his neck ,he passed out for a few minutes before his body began to rapidly shake "I said remembering all the blood he started to spit up I however decided it'd be best to leave that part out

"His eyes finally opened and I looked into his eyes to see my once caring father look back at me with such admiration and pride ,he reached his hand out and gently cupped my face before muttering a sentence that caused my blood to run cold "I said feeling my grip on Nicks hand tighten

"He asked me, no begged me to release him from the prison his father made him live in for years .He was tired and wanted to finally be free,I kissed his cheek before taking the gun I dropped next to me and pulling the trigger a loud 'BAM' rang through the room before I numbly dropped the gun and looked at my hands as everyone piled into the room to see the horrifying scene in-front of them "I finished

An eerie silence passed over us as I let them soak in everything I just told them .I knew I had to tell them this if I wanted us to be a strong family ,and the only way to be a strong family is to see each other's good ,bad,happy and sad moments including my past .

"I know this is hard for you to process but I fell the only way for us to be a strong family is for us to experience the good and the bad that includes the past,my past "I said finally looking up to see all there faces

"Rosie I want you to I understand that we see you no differently then how we looked at you just a few hours ago "Jason's mom started

"Your a very strong girl and you did what had to be done and I'm more then happy to be able to call someone as strong and as amazing as you are my sons mate .I appreciate that you had the guts to tell us something so personal,now I think I speak for all of us when I say you deserve a metal for what you went through "She finished and by the end I along with my grandma and Amy were in tears

"I think we should continue our little adventure "She smiled taking my hand and pulling me in front to lead .We silently walked together before I decided to break the silence .

"You know your a lot like my mom and I know that if she was alive you two would've been best friends "I said smiling at her

"Oh...my..."She said unable to form words

"I have some news that I've been keeping from Jason and I want you to be the first to hear it "I started

"The other day before the wedding I went to the pack doctor and found out that I'm pregnant with twins "I finished waiting for her reaction

"Oh...this is amazing news "She gasped hugging me tightly which caused us to stop walking

"Do you know the genders "She asked excitedly

"No I wanted to find that out with Jason "I said as we sat down on a wooden bench and waited for the other to catch up

"It's seems we put quite some distance between us and the others "I shook my head and nudged her shoulder pointing to the group

"Seems they finally made it "I said as we both got up and walked towards them

"Where's Jason ?"I asked

"He walked back to the Cabin "Justin informed me

"Nick can you bring them to Esters diner ?"I said before turning around not waiting for an answer

Instead of walking all the way back I decided to teleport back to the cabin to see why Jason was there and not with the family .

I walked to the door and gently opened it to be welcomed by silence no tv,no music not even the fans made a peep I was welcomed by an eerie silence.

"JASON"I yelled running up the stairs with a gut wrenching feeling in the pit of my stomach

I reached our room to once again be welcomed by silence worried I searched every room to be welcomed by the same eerie silence as the last .

Suddenly a burning sensation ran from the edge of my hip all the way to the center of my stomach and I doubled over in pain ,the only place that could come from was the mate bound meaning...

"JASON"I yelled through our mind-link

2 minutes pass

"JASON"I yelled again and again each time being answered by silence

"JA-"I started but was cut of by a painful sensation in my side

"Rosie-e"A straggled voice rasped

"Love were are you" I asked calmly

"A dark room underground I counted in my head and it's 18 miles away from the park ,I think it's an old abandoned house or cabin or so-ahhhhhh"We both yelled I clutched the side of my head

"Rosiee-e come quickk-k" He stuttered before a burning sensation burned my neck and caused numbing feeling to over take my body

"Jason"I whispered before falling to my knees and slowly sliding against the wall my vision became hazy before all I could  see was darkness

"R..Ro...Ros....Rosie!!!"I faintly heard someone yell my name in the distance waking me up for a few seconds before I slipped into back darkness

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