Words are empty promises

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"Well clearly the moon goddess made a mistake "She said before getting up from my desk chair and running out of office.

Not even a second after she ran out she came back in and walked straight up to me before delivery a hard slap across my face .


"I regret it all and if I could I'd go back to the night off the ball and reject you "She said in the most chilling voice I've ever heard

Jason's POV

Nathan was screaming at me to let him take control but like Rosalie once I make a decision he can't change it .

"Forever was a lie "She said with more tears streaming down her face

"And all you can do is stand there like a heartless prick and watch me cry over you "She said breaking my heart ,of course I cared it killed me seeing her like this

"Mine and your pack have already created a strong bound as have I with your family "She started of with calmly

"You can remain in the pack house and your family can remain in the palace and to make it easier ,I'll just send Justin to the pack house when I need something done or vice versa "She said before turned around

"What about our marks ?"I asked adding no doubt another hurtful punch to her

"I'll take care of it "She said before the sound of her heels clicking got further and further away .After she left my brother walked back in and looked at me with so much confusion

"Why would you let her walk away a second time "He asked leaning against my desk

"She's right I'm still a kid and I'm not mature enough for her .She needs someone who can rule with her and not fight with her and I'm not that person "I said as tears fell from my eyes

"Your insecurities have gotten the best of you and because of that you just broke the one true bond no one would ever be able to take away from you "He said looking at me disappointedly

Rosalie's POV


That's all I felt from the moment I walked back in through my palace doors .More tears streamed down my face as I numbly filled more paper work out .

"Rose?"I heard the innocent voice of my little flower

"Yes "I asked and I almost hadn't recognized my voice

"Why hasn't Jason come home in a while "She asked tilting her head and looking up at me with an adorable face of wonder and curiosity

"I wish I could explain it to you but I really can't flower ,you'll have to ask mommy or aunt Amy ,go on go play "I said before she skipped out happily

"Jason not coming home Flower "I whispered before grabbing a bottle of heavy liquor from my liquor cabinet and climbing up a hidden set of stairs behind a bookcase in my office that let to the roof

"Promise?"I whispered as I took a swing from the bottle

" Promise?"I repeated taking another swig. And that continued until the entire bottle was gone and I welcomed darkness with open arms.

-Next day-

An aching pain shot through my body as I rolled onto me side ,not being able to get comfortable I opened my eyes to see I wasn't in my bed but on the roof of the palace and next to me I saw an empty bottle of Jack Daniels .

"Well shit "I whispered to myself before climbing back down the stairs and shimmying out of the secret bookcase and returning to my desk to finish the paper work I hadn't finished yesterday,of courses this time I drank coffee .

1 month later...

Jason's POV

I signed the last agreement and decided to make a visit to the palace seeing I haven't been there for quite some time ,usually my family comes to visit me at the pack house and no one not even Justin talks about Rosie .Nathan forgave me ,it took a while but he still talks to Lilly and Daraioy so I guess he's okay .

I walked through the pack doors and followed the trial to the palace and finally made it to the door .Before I could open the door it shot open revealing Justin with a distressed face .

"Jason you couldn't have come at a bad but good time "He said grabbing my arm and dragging me through the palace until we made it to Rosie's office

"You go in there and fix what you did "He said opening her office door ,the strong smell of take out food and stale beer attacked my nose

There at her desk was the queen with massacre streaks on her face ,smudged eyeliner .Untucked blouse ,unbuttoned shorts one shoe on and one shoe off ,all in all she was the definition of a hot mess

"Why must you come here to torture me "She whimpered brokenly ,this wasn't Queen Rosalie this was a broken girl and it was my fault

"What have I done "I said as I carefully walked up to her desk

"Do you enjoy torturing me "She asked weakly

"I know why your here "She claimed

"Why am I here ?"I asked

"I said I'd take care of the mark "She said reminded me of it

"I came here to visit my family "I said assuringly

"Then go and visit your family and leave your ex broken mate alone in her self pity "She said before getting up and walking past me ,as she walked past me I caught her hand in mine

"I'm sorry "I said and I could feel the anger boiling

"Words are empty promises to me "She said making my heart race

"It took you long enough to get over your insecurities "She said still facing the opposite direction

"You knew ?"I asked surprised

"I only ran out of your office "She clarified

"How long will it take this time ?"I asked

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