Kiss me

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"Words are empty promises to me "She said making my heart race

"It took you long enough to get over your insecurities "She said still facing the opposite direction

"You knew ?"I asked surprised

"I only ran out of your office "She clarified

"How long will it take this time ?"I asked

Rosalie's POV

"How long will it take this time ?"He asked,I sighed and finally turned towards him

"Kiss me "I said barley above a whisper but I know he heard me because not even a second later his soft lips were placed on mine for a brief second before I pulled away

"It's been long enough "I said pulling his body flush against mine

"Please never let me walk away again "I mumbled into his chest

"Can I come home ?"He asked as he ran his hands up and down my back

"Y-...."I started to say but an outburst of tears cut me off

" Please no more tears "He said wiping my cheeks

"I..thought I lost youu"I cried burring my face deeply into his neck

"Shh I'm here...that was a mistake "He soothed before saying what happened was a mistake

"Never leave me again "I whispered

"I don't think I could live through another heart ache "I confessed

"I'm not leaving again and I'll prove it to you "He said before picking me up and opening the door to have our whole family fall in

"Did the king and queen make up ?"Justin asked cheekily as Jason carried me to our bedroom for a well needed rest as soon as we got there we both collapsed in exhaustion

Next Day

I turned into Jason's warm body and cuddled into his side in contentment.

"Love if you squeeze me any tighter you might pop me "He said a little out of breath ,I quickly released his waist

"Well I missed you ,pardon me for wanting to show some affection "I said turning away ,now that he was back all the bitterness and anger I had built up was coming to light

"I have a feeling you have a lot of built up anger that needs to be let out towards me "He said as he softly placed his hand on my shoulder in which I shrugged off

"Your Damn right I do "I said getting out bed

"How can I make it better "He asked walking in front of me

"Answer a question "I said moving away from him

"Okay ?"He asked curiously

"Why did you break up with me ,the real reason ?"I asked

"At the moment I just wanted to be free to do what I wanted to do and not have a mate to have be disappointed in me after I did it .But after I broke it off I couldn't bring my self to look ,kiss even talk to another girl "He explained

"But you could've fallen for another girl .That why I'm so upset you could meet another girl and then forget all about me "I said starring at the floor

"No matter what happens I could never forget you or be with someone else ,that was proved when I spent a painful month and two weeks away from you ."He said sincerely

After he said that we decided to just sit down and talk about everything and anything really ,we talked until there was nothing to talk about

2 hours later....

He nuzzled his face into my neck and lightly kissed my mark .

"Are you still mad "He asked hugging my waist

"Mad no . Hungry yes "I said causing his loud laugh to echo through the room

"I think we better shower first"He suggested already picking me up and walking us into the bathroom

After we took a rather quick shower we got dressed and headed down to the kitchen for food and when we made it to the kitchen my grandma was making soup .

"Jason come here "She said just as he was about to turn around and run away

"Come here I don't bite"She said assuringly

"Okay..."He said slowly walking up to her

"Now I know you and my flower have had your troubles but I hope that everything is resolved "She began with he subconsciously shook his head

"That being said if she ever comes to me crying about how you cheated on her or left her again I'll make sure that your punishment will be long and painful "She said with a sicking voice I could barely recognize her

"Understood ?"She asked as she chopped carrots up for the soup

"Understood "He answered strongly

"Now that's over with ,you need to pick a date for your official crowing as king "She said back to sweet and bubbly self

"How soon can it be ?"He asked , my grandma thought for a minute before answering

"Sometime next week "She answered finally

"Perfect "He said before walking back over to me

"Oh this Thursday is the annual fall ball "My grandma reminded me

"Oh right"I said with a bored tone ,rich packs always find a reason to flaunt there money
"Every year the Silver Stone pack host a huge fall party  "I said putting chopped up chicken into the soup

"Oh we need rice "My grandma said looking at me with a big smile

"I know that look okay fine text me if we need anything else " I said as I dragged Jason to my car and when reached it he halted starring at my car in awe

(Car above )

"This is your car "He asked walking around slowly

"I don't see you being the flashy type "He said as we got in

"Nick actually got this for my birthday "I said pulling out of the driveway

"Do you have any other cars?"He asked causing me to snort

"I have a whole garage full of classics "I said stopping at the red light

"My favorite car is my big red truck "I said side glancing him to still see a surprised look echoed across his face

"You own a truck ??"He said finally saying something

"Yah it's at my cabin up state in Pennsylvania,we should have a family vacation there "I said ,he shook his head in agreement

"Finally were here "I said as we pulled into the supermarket parking lot ,the car behind us was my security two guards stayed with the car and the rest followed us into the store

"You've never had guards "Jason pointed out as we walked in

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