Taking the back seat

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"Rosie dear slow down your gonna choke "My grandma scolded

"Nanwbswb"I mumbled

"And don't talk with your mouth full "She scolded again causing everyone to laugh

-2 months later-
Rosie's POV

Its been 2 months since the twins were born and everyday they're getting stronger the doctor said that by the end of this week they can finally leave NCIU and sleep in there cribs .

Because of my genes they began to develop faster than a normal baby or pup would and I'm so thankful for that, I smiled as I looked down at Arch who squeezed my finger tightly.

"Gawahhe"He gurgled tightening his hold on my finger as I gently brushed his thick soft brown hair

"Rosie can I hold Arch "Jessica asked shyly

"Of course Flower "I said getting up from the rocking chair so she could sit

"Now gentle just like mommy showed you "She shook her head and gently took Arch holding him delicately I smiled and grabbed my phone taking a few pictures

"Would you like to feed him ?"I asked grabbing his bottle

"Yes "She giggled excitedly taking the bottle and feeding him once again I snapped a few pictures before putting my phone down and going to Deondre who started crying

"Shh"I cooed gently picking him up and swaying us side to side

"Rosie it's all gone "Jessica said

"Okay sweetie do what mommy taught you and gently pat his back "She shook her head before doing what she was told

"I knew I'd find you two in here "Jason said from behind me

"Deondre look who's here"I cooed looking at him

"Daddy's here "I continued he giggled and started tossing in my arms

"Hey little man "Jason cooed as I gently handed him Deondre before walking over to Jessica

"He fell asleep "She whispered I smiled and gently took him

"Thanks for the help Flower ,why don't you go find Ally "I said

"Okay bye Rosie,  bye Jason "She said before skipping out

"You have to see the pictures I got of her holding and feeding Arch "I whispered

"It seems he's taking a liking to her "I whispered again

"Yes he is and by the way I talked to the nurse who said the doctor is letting them out tomorrow instead of Friday "I smiled and squeezed his hand seeing that we were both holding sleeping babies

"Do you like there cribs or are they to girly ?"I asked as we placed them in incubators

"No I really like them especially because they were yours and Nicks "He said as we quietly closed the door and walked towards the babies room

"I promise this is only a nursery and when there a little older they'll be in a different room that's not purple "I said rethinking the color chose

"Love I think it's perfect,especially if it's just a nursery room "He said kissing me and pulling me out of the room

"I can't wait until they can finally sleep in there own cribs "I said as we walked to the garden

"We'll finally be able to rock them back to sleep when they cry "Jason said smiling

"Mhm"I hummed as I smelled the yellow roses

"ROSIE"Someone yelled causing me to jump and trip over one of the flower pots thankfully Jason was quick enough to catch me before I could fall

"Jeez does no one realize we have mindlink for a rea-"I started but got cut of by someone yelling my name through mindlink

"Yah ow nevermind "I mumbled rubbing my temples as I walked inside Jason trailing behind me as he laughed

"You called "I said walking into my office

Since I promised everyone I'd take it easy Jason and Justin took charge of paperwork and meetings and only let me go to the office when it's "absolutely necessary" as Nick ,Jason and Justin put it I swear the three of them always gang up on me .

"Uh I don't know what this means "He said pointing to a contract that was written in Dutch 

Unlike me Justin and Jason only know Italian and Spanish and he can't ask Nick because he's an Alpha pack convention in Florida for 2 weeks on Jason and I'd behalf .

"Well that's because it's written in Dutch "I said chuckling to myself as I took the paper and read over it

"Well what does it say ?"Justin asked impatiently

"Alpha Markus is requesting for Jason and I to come and watch the union of his and his daughters mates packs "I said smiling

"Call that number at the bottom of the page and ask for Beta Alkus he speaks English and tell him that the king and Queen will be there "I said before walking out of the office smiling

"Well looks like your enjoying taking the back seat "He said as we continued our walk in the garden

"I just can't wait until I can take the boys out "I said closing my eyes to enjoy the warm breeze that was blowing around us

"Rosie do you think we could go out tonight?"He asked nervously

"Where ?"I asked opening my eyes

"Well I was thinking that little restaurant that overlooks the city and then the little ice cream shop on the corner of that road "I smiled and kissed him softly

"What time ?"I asked

"Well it's 4:20 now so how about 6:00 that should give you enough time to get ready "I shook my head and kissed him before running to our room

"I guess your going to get ready "He called jokingly as I rounded the corner, I smiled to myself as I stripped my clothes and jumped into the shower.

After doing my hair and rinsing my body off o grabbed one towel wrapping it around my hair then other one wrapping that around my body before stepping out and going to my closet in search of an outfit .

I dropped my towel and threw on my bra and panties as I looked slipped on the outfit I asked Amy to lay out while I was in the shower,which was an off the shoulder black shirt ,black leggings ,a corset belt ,paired with suede boots .

I dropped my towel and threw on my bra and panties as I looked slipped on the outfit I asked Amy to lay out while I was in the shower,which was an off the shoulder black shirt ,black leggings ,a corset belt ,paired with suede boots

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I decided to leave my face bare besides some light eyeshadow and little to none massacre ,my hair was curled with a braid crown at the back of my head .

"Love are you ready ?"Jason called from outside the closet ,I smiled as I slipped my phone in my purse and walked out


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