Premature Labour

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"I did-"Jason started to say but I shushed him

"Okay"He mumbled stuffing the rest of his wrap into his mouth

"Good boy"I teased patting his head

~ 6 months later~
Rosie POV

I waddled to the library for the daily Italian lesson ,each day everyone has been getting more fluent and it makes me happy that I can speak me native language and have my family understand me .

"Rosie how many times have we told you to call if you need to walk on the stairs "Nick and Justin scolded each taking one of my arms and gently helping me down the stairs

"Jeez and to think I thought you guys were over baring when I was 4 months pregnant"I mumbled as we walked into the library

"Walking on the stairs again ?"Jason asked taking Nick and Justin's place in holding me

"Yup"They both ratted with smirks as they took a seat

"Keep smirking like that and I'll give you both a 8 paragraph essay to be written in Italian "I said and instantly there smirks dropped as they pretended to look around the library as if was the most interesting room they've ever seen

"Now for today..."I started going into teacher mode

1 hour later

"Okay that's it for today "I said as everyone including the little girls ran out of the room

"Do you want to walk in the garden ?"Jason asked as he helped me up from my seat

"Yes id love to see the yellow roses "I answered as we walked out of the library

We made it to the garden and silently walked together hand in hand enjoying the peaceful silence and each other's company .

Suddenly a surging pain shot through my stomach causing me to stumble harshly into Jason who looked at me worriedly ,before he could asked what was wrong I felt the same pain that was intensifying then the last one .

"Ahhhhh"I screamed clutching my stomach and falling into Jason's outstretched arms

"Love"He asked in a worried voice ,I felt I a warm liquid run down my leg and another intensifying pain shoot through my stomach again.

"Jason...I'm...going...into...labour..."I struggled to say as the pain which I now identified as contractions got worse

"'s to early "He finally said through stuttered sentences

"I...know"I wheezed out as I clutched his hand tightly

"Call....Justin..Nick...Grandma...someone..."I mumbled as everything started to look hazy and I was seeing black dots

"Love you have to stay with me there coming just hold on "Jason said in a voice thick of worry but he sounded faint like he was whispering it

"I..."I started but my eyelids became to heavy and I struggled to keep them open unlit I stopped fighting it and gave in not before faintly hearing

"Rosie"Before I completely passed out


I rapidly blinked my eyes as I felt another excruciating pain ricocheted throughout my entire body ,I looked up to see a doctor with a mask on and nurses next to him .

"Doctor she's waking up "I nurse yelled as she looked at me and back to him

"It's okay her body temper is working of the anesthesia "He said before looking at me

"Okay Rosie you might feel a slight pitch but that's it just relax and remain as calm as you look . We had to put you into an emergency c-section ,you've been under for 20 minutes "He said answering all my questions

"Just get my babies out"I said laying back down fully and praying that the babies and I would pull through

20 minutes later

After the babies were taken out they were quickly rushed to NICU (neonatal intensive care unit ) they would have to stay there until the doctors knew that the babies were completely out of trouble .

After being stitched up I started to feel an unbearable pain shoot through my chest ,my breaths were coming out more radically and then straggled harsh cough forced themselves up my throat .

"DOCTOR !"A worried nurse yelled before once again everything became hazy and black dots blurred my vision

Jason's POV

After rushing Rosie to the pack doctors she was put into an emergency c-section and as much as I fought I was forced to sit outside with the rest of the family .

40 minutes later

After what felt like hours but was only 4o minutes the doctor emerged from the door with a big smile on his face .

"Everything went smoothly ,the babies will me kept in NICU until I can see there completely out of harms way ,as fo-"He was about to say something but was cut of by a nurse running towards him

"DOCTOR"She finally got to him with a panicked look

"It's the Queen she has a deep vein thrombosis that broke free and traveled to the lungs "She rushed out

"Did you get the anti-clotting drug "He asked as they horridly ran back through the doors they just came from

"Deep vein thrombosis is a clot in the legs that causes inflammation, swelling and pain.The clot must've broke free and traveled to her lungs which causes a pulmonary embolism and that causes chest pain,coughing and difficulty breathing "Lisa said in a calm voice

"The doctors know what there doing "She said surprisingly easing my worries

"All we can do is patiently wait "She said as she got more comfortable in the plastic waiting room chairs

2 hours and 30 minutes later

After patiently waiting the doctor came out of the big white doors with a look of exhaustion.

"The Queen had a thrombectomy procedure done were an incision is made into the blood vessel and the clot is removed and repaired which both went very successfully "He said causing all the tension in the room to die and be replaced with relief

"As for the babies because how many months they were premature they have to stay in the hospital for 4-5 months "He said with sympathy

"And the Queen is asleep but we'll notify you when she wakes "He said before walking through the big white doors

"You guys go home I'm going to wait here "I said looking at all the tired face

"I'd argue but I'm to tired "Lisa said taking my moms hand and kissing my cheek before leaving

"Keep us posted "Justin said hugging me and following behind our mom

"She'll be fine "Nick whispered cautious is waking Ally and soon I was alone

"Excuse me but could I possibly wait for the Queen to wake in her room "I asked the nurse who shook her head and led me to Rosie's room

"Oh Rosy "I mumbled taking her limp slightly cold hand into mine

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