Your going to be an amazing mom

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"To long you've put your people ,your responsibility before yourself and now it's time for you to be selfish and do things for yourself ,it's time for you to do things you want to do and let other people handle the paperwork and meetings "She finished


Rosie POV

"But-"I started but was cut off with a shush

"It's time"She said before nodding her head at everyone

"They have your back "She whispered kissing my forehead as everyone came towards the hospital bed

2 days later

After the emotional visit from my family I  decided my grandma was right that it was time for me to do things for myself ,it was time for me to be selfish .

"Love when can we leaveee"I whined

After spending three days in this hospital I was more then ready to leave and sleep in my own bed ,the twins were already moved into the NCIU room I had in the palace and have been monitored very closely.

"Now"He said after signing the last paper and helping me up

"You know how easy you have to take it right ? The doctor told you that you have a lot of healing to do "Jason said in a warning tone

"Yes I know and I'm sure that If I forgot Nick ,Justin or you would so kindly remind me "I laughed as we got into the car

"Exactly"He said smiling as he wrapped his arms around me tightly

"I can't wait until we can hold Arch and Deondre "I mumbled as I felt my eyes close

"Sleep"I heard Jason whisper as he lightly stroked my arm

20 minutes later

I felt the car stop and heard a door open before a warm breeze hit my face .

"Rosie love wake up "Jason's voice whispered

"It feels like all I can do these past three days is sleep "I mumbled as I groggily got out of the car

"And that's exactly what the doctor said you need for the next few weeks ,lots and lots of sleep "He said as the driver opened the palace door for us

"Jasonnnnn"I whined stomping my foot immaturely as we came to a halt

"Rosieeeeeee"Jason whined back smirking as he pulled me along past my office straight to the bedroom (I know what your thinking because I thought the same thing as I wrote this but she literally just had two surgeries soooo none of that until she's fully healed )

"Jason I don't want to sleep I want to go to my office"I whined again trying to walk around him but because I'm so small and he's like a brick wall I couldn't get past him

"Nope"He said bopping my nose

"Now come here "He ordered with his arms wide open

Jason's POV

"Now come here "I ordered with open arms

"Let's go get some food "I said pulling her towards the door

As we made it to the kitchen an amazing smell attacked my nose causing my stomach to growl quite loudly might I add .

"Mhm mom what is that smell"I asked as Rosie sat on one of the benches

"Homemade pizza and Penne Alla vodka and garlic bread "She answered filling up two bowls and two plates and putting them in front of Rosie and I

"Oh my god it smells amazing "Rosie moaned as she took a forkful

"I knew there was a reason I didn't get another cook"Rosie mumbled with a mouth full of food

"Well thank you Rosie "My mom said as she served more dishes

"Can you call everyone "She asked me seeing that Rosie's mouth was full of food

"GUYS LUNCHS READY!!"I yelled causing Rosie to cover her ears and glare at me before she continued eating

Multiple sounds of feet hitting the ground and loud chatter came from outside the kitchen before everyone pilled in and each grab there food before going to the table .

"Queen Rosalie " A timid voice called

Rosie's POV

"Let's go get some food "Jason said pulling me towards the door

As we made it to the kitchen an amazing smell attacked our noses which caused Jason's stomach to growl quite loudly.

"Mhm mom what is that smell"He asked as I sat on one of the benches

"Homemade pizza and Penne Alla vodka and garlic bread "She answered filling up two bowls and two plates and putting them in front of Jason and I

"Oh my god it smells amazing "I moaned as I took a forkful

"I knew there was a reason I didn't get another cook"I mumbled with a mouth full of food

"Well thank you Rosie "Mom said as she served more dishes

"Can you call everyone "She asked Jason seeing that my mouth was full of food

"GUYS LUNCHS READY!!"He yelled causing me to cover my ears and glare at him before I continued eating

Multiple sounds of feet hitting the ground and loud chatter came from outside the kitchen before everyone pilled in and each grab there food before going to the table .

"Queen Rosalie " A timid voice called ,I looked up to see the nurse who monitors the babies

"What is it sweetie "I asked gently seeing she seemed very shy

"Uh the babies they won't stop crying and I called the doctor and he said to put on some soothing music but they still didn't stop "She said worriedly

"Oh sweetie that's nothing to worry about there just in a new environment,I'll be up in a few seconds okay "She shook her head and left

"Rosie "Jason said my name causing me to look at him

"Hm?"I asked sitting back down to finish my food

"Your going to be an amazing mom "He said before continuing to eat his food

"And your going to be an amazing dad "I smiled quickly finishing the rest of my food so I could check on my little babies

"Rosie dear slow down your gonna choke "My grandma scolded

"Nanwbswb"I mumbled

"And don't talk with your mouth full "She scolded again causing everyone to laugh

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