Secret Trails

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"It's rude to not finish the song "She said ,I was about to say something but a new voice cut  in

"Then he can finish it with me "Rose said before she placed my hands on her waist

"Thea your mate seems awfully lonely ,why don't you finish this dance with your mate "Rose said before leading us away

Jason's POV

"She has a Mate ??!"I asked surprised as we danced more swiftly across the dance floor

"Yes "Rose answered ,annoyed that she's been rarely speaking to me tonight I finally reached a point we're I can't take just brief conversation and one worded answers

"Is this how it's gonna be "I asked as I we stopped dancing

"Jason if you cause I scene I swear to the moons goddess and above you'll really be in for it "She whispered harshly before grabbing my arm tightly to resume the dance

"Sorry your majesty "I snickered as we danced less swiftly

"Don't test me "She growled and I could feel the power radiating off of her

"What if I do "I pushed testing her limits ,after I said that her eyes began to glow and Black mist sworn around her until Rosie wasn't standing in front of me anymore but Daraioy was .I dumbly stared at Daraioy not really knowing what to say .

"Your testing our patience Jason "She started out with as she lead us outside

"You must remember Rosie is not the only one you were unfaithful too you have a lot to make up for and a lot of trust to earn back .Being testy with her won't get you anywhere ,because I'll remind you she makes the final decision and all her decision are final ,just keep that in mind .Rosie can be a lot scarier and a lot crueler if you test her just enough to her breaking point .If and when that happens Lily nor I can control her "Daraioy explained carefully as we walked in the garden area

"She's very hurt by your unfaithfulness because she trusted you faster then anyone's who made it past her cold exterior"Daraioy continued

"Not even Lily has trust for you ,usually it's the wolf that forgives first by she too is hurt "Daraioy said surprising me

"And you ?"I asked speaking for the first time

"You didn't gain my trust so you didn't loose it "She said

"Ouch that hurt "Nathan said speaking my thoughts

"There is something you should know "She started with

"That is ? "I questioned

"She briefly talked about her grandfather "She said confusing me

"Before you cut me off let me finish "She said causing me to close my mouth

"Well when she found out that her grandpa put her father under a spell she got the maddest she's ever been and she triggered something deep inside of her....her witch "She said

"So if I piss her off to the point were she can't control herself she's going to transform into her witch ?"I asked

"Yes but she's hasn't had much experience with her witch, she only knows how to control the powers she has access to .Shes not in touch with her witch like she is with Lily and I "She explained carefully

"What was her witch like ?"I asked curious

"She was actually very nice and explained to me that she'd be very hard for Rosie to reach until it was her time .She told me that Rosie wouldn't be able to reach her unless she was very anger again or until Rosie got a mate.On the next full moon Rosie will go through a transformation and after the transformation she will be able to speak to her witch like she can with her me vampire and Lily her wolf...-"She paused to catch her breath before continuing

"However her witch won't be able to take over unless Rosie allows her to unlike how Lily and I can force control .Since there's a full moon tomorrow night the transition might happen early if Rosie is triggered by her anger . After tomorrow night she will be able to speak to her witch and finally fully develop all of her powers"She finished explaining

"It's not like the excruciating pain you go through when you get your wolf right "I asked concerned

"I'm not going to lie to you ,it's ten times worse and takes 24 hours for the full transformation"She explained unsettling my worries

"When was she going to tell me any of this ?"I asked a little offended she kept something as important as this a secret

"I don't know maybe before you cheated on her and destroy her trust for you "She snapped back ,shutting me up

"I'm going to give her back control ,don't piss her and she won't have to go through the transformation a day early ,did I mention if she goes through it a day early she'll be in even more pain "That being said the mist appeared and after it cleared up Rosie was back

"If she didn't take over I could've done something that I'd regret later...Never try to test me again "She said in a chilling voice before transforming into her wolf and running away

1 hour later

The party was dying down ,Alphas and Luna's were retreating to there rooms they'd be staying in and I was siting outside in the garden waiting for Rosie's return .

"King Jason would you like me to show you to your room ,the Queen requested separate rooms sir"A young boy asked looking up to me

"Uh no I'd like to sit out here a little while longer "I said expecting him to leave but he didn't

"I'm not suppose to tell people this but seeing your the queens mate I think it's okay "He started off with

"When the Queen wants to be alone she usually goes to the meadow just past the pack house ,there's a trial you can follow "He said before returning inside as if he hadn't just given valuable information

Doing as he said I followed the trial past the pack house through the woods and there was white gate with a little latch .I opened the latch and walked through to see another woodsy trial that I followed until I saw a meadow that stretched so far back I didn't see were it ended .As promised there she was laying her big head across her paws sleeping peacefully.

That is until my foot snapped a branch in half and her head whipped into my direction,she rolled her wolf eyes at me before laying her head back down and closing her eyes again .Knowing it was best to leave her be I returned back to the house were I tossed and turned once again like I had been doing all my other sleepless nights .

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