3 babies..?

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"Love are you ready ?"Jason called from outside the closet ,I smiled as I slipped my phone in my purse and walked out


Rosie's POV

Jason took my hand as we walked out of me room lightly placing kisses on the back of my hand .

"You look beautiful as always my love "He complimented as we got into the car

"So there's a change of plans "He said nervously ,I shook my head for him to go on

"I decided to take you to the ice cream parlor then the huge garden you've been dying to go to "I smiled and leaned over to kiss his cheek before settling comfortably against his chest

"Sounds perfect "He kissed the crown of my head as we let a peaceful silent fall over us

3 hour later

After getting ice cream we took a long stroll on the board walk and ate at the tiny diner at the very end before walking all the way back so we could go to the big garden that's just down the street .

After spending an hour there I was more then ready to go home and curl against Jason as we watched a sappy romance movie .

"Did you have a good time "Jason asked as we pulled into the palace driveway

"The best and now I'm ready to cuddle and watch a movie "I said causing him to smile

"Same"He took my hand as we walked inside ,we quickly changed and crawled into bed after I put in "Beaty and the beast"

"I love you Rosie "I heard Jason whisper as a pair of warm lips pressed against my forehead

"I love you Jason "I mumbled back as my eyes closed involuntarily

The next morning

I felt someone well more like Jason poking me repeatedly for the last 5 minutes to wake up I however just grumbled and stubbornly keep my eyes clamped shut .

"Love come on the Arch and Deondre are being let out as soon as we go down there "He bribed causing my eyes to snap open

"I'm up"He laughed as we got out of bed and walked to the NCIU room

"Well look who it is Arch it's mommy and daddy "Nurse Alex cooed as she handed Arch to me

"I'm taking you with us buddy your finally free "I said spinning us around which caused a cute baby laugh to form

"Aw mommy loves that sound "I cooed as I hugged him to my body

"Okay you guys are all set they need a checkup on Friday and after that every two weeks "She said looking down at her clip board

"Okay "I smiled grabbing Jason free hand as we walked to the kitchen

"Mom look at who finally broke free "Jason called

"Aw my babies "She cooed snatching Deondre from Jason who was now pouting

"She took my baby "He whined

"You have another one "I pointed out he smiled and went to take Arch but I had other ideas as I stepped back causing him to fall forward

"Nope this is my baby "I said as Arch's hold on me tighten

"Mommmmm give me my baby back "Jason whined walking towards Claire who was bouncy Deondre in the air playfully

"He looks like you when you were a baby "A voice said behind me startling me into almost dropping Arch

"Don't you know not to sneak up on someone when they have a baby "I grumbled turning to see Nick smirking

"Sorry "He said still smirking

"Yes I'm sure your full of remorse "I answered sarcastically

"Look at those eyes "Nick mumbled

"Can I ?"He asked I pouted but reluctantly handed Arch to Nick

"When mom starts acting overbearing I'll be the next door over "He whispered to Arch but loud enough for me hear seeing that I was next to him

"Oh shush "I said rolling my eyes before walking over to Jason who was sitting on a stool

"Okay give me your baby my was taken"I ordered and before he could respond I snatched Deondre out of his hands

"Gnajjw"He gurgled as he nuzzled into my neck with a fist full of my hair wrapped in his tiny fist

"That's not fair "Jason whined going to take Deondre back but a loud cry caused him to halt

"Jeez you hold him for like a minute and suddenly your his favorite person "He said putting his hands up in surrender and slumping in his bar stool

"Aw my poor baby "I cooed to Jason who was now fully pouting ,it seems I have three babies not two

"Wahhhhhh"Arch's loud cries bounced of the kitchen wall painfully piercing my ears 

"I think he's hungry "Nick said as he carried Arch over to me and as soon as Nick was close enough Arch started reaching his arms out towards me

"Or he just wanted his mommy "Nick said smiling as he handed Arch to me

"Aw I need my camera "Claire said before darting out of the kitchen

"Love sit here and hold them so their feet are touching "Jason said getting up and letting me sit in his seat as he took his phone out and took some pictures

"Oh hold that pose "Jason's mom yelled before she stared snapping away on her camera

"Okay now Jason get in behind Rosy "Claire ordered Jason pointing with her finger where she wanted him

"Okay now smile "She ordered as she started to snap away again

"Wahhhhhhh"The twins began to cry together

"Okay mom I think the twins are all pictured out "Jason said as I gently rocked both of the until they stopped and cuddled into my neck

"Aw look at that I need that picture "She cooed as she snapped another picture of the twins cuddling with me

"There definitely going to be mommy's boys "She concluded putting the camera down

"Okay come on Jason why don't we feed them and then put them down for a nap "I said already walking out of the kitchen

"Wahhhhhh"Arch began to wail which caused Deondre to do that same

"Aw mommy's babies shhhhhhh"I cooed gently bouncing them as we walked into there room

I sat down in the nursery rocking chair and slowly began to rock back and forth as I began to hum a soothing song

(Play song )

"Fa la ninna ,fa la nanna (Go to sleep ,go to sleep)"I began to sing softly as I gently continued to rock

"Nella braccia della mamma
Fa ninna bel bambin ,
Fa la nanna bambin bel,
Fa last ninna,fa la nanna
Nella braccia della mamma
(In the arms of your mother ,
Go to sleep, lovely child,
Go to sleep, go to sleepy
In the arms of your mother.) " I sang softy before I felt two heads rest against both sides of my neck

"That was beautiful"Jason complimented as I gently placed Arch down in his crib before doing the same with Deondre

"Come Love "I whispered taking his hand into mine as we quietly left the room

"Your a natural "He said as we asked hand in hand to our bedroom

"Thank you "I thanked stopping so I could kiss his cheek softly before continuing to our destination in silence

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