Ch. 5 ~Beast~

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(Cause we all know that Zak is a hella beast amiright haaaaaaaaa!... I'll show myself out-)

Screaming and rattling chains.

Those were the only things you could make out as you struggled in vain, struggling from what though? You couldn't see that great, but it was enough to make out that you were in a room, on the floor that was cold and solid, like concrete or stone and... Red.

So. Much. Red. As if someone put a filter over your eyes.

Suddenly there's footsteps, echoing loud and heavy, that seem to cut through the distant wails. Does that mean anything good? You try and yell for help but nothing's coming out besides more puddles of crimson. And before you can make another attempt the red begins to cloud more of your poor vision as the screams become louder, but you can't hear what they're saying. Soon, with whatever is left of your sight, you spot a figure towering over you as a hand reaches at you-

Immediately you bolt upright in a cold sweat, gasping for air as you try and steady your racing heart, you then slowly look around in an attempt to get your drowsy mind to process why you're not in your room. Finally, you get your breathing back in order and rub your eyes as you remember last night's events.

'Oh yeah.' You think as a light grin begins to form. Only met the demon hunter once yet you already find him fascinating, course then again you've always found him to be fascinating.

You shake your head as you crawl out of the bed and pull your shoes back on, then after taming your bed head as best you can you slip out of the room. 

As you make your way down the hall, being very thankful for Zak's tour, your mind starts to wonder back to that dream, or nightmare for lack of a better term, you manage to shake it away though as you walk down the stairs then towards the large, double front doors. But before you can reach for one of the handles you stop and look back.

You can't just leave without saying anything, especially a thank you. Or scratch that you said thank you already but there's no harm in saying it again. So you begin to search for Zak, calling him every so often, until you hear a quiet snicker coming from... Above you. 

You look up and jump slightly when you see Zak.


Inches off the ground and right above your head with the biggest smile on his face revealing those sharp teeth again. "Zak?" You ask looking up at him, "Yes?" He responds in a cheeky manner, trying not to laugh but you beat him to it as you giggle, "What are you doing? Or how are you doing that? Would be a better question."

This time he chuckles as he slowly descends back down and sets his feet on the floor, "I've been able to do that since... All of this came along." He motions to himself somewhat nonchalantly. It's obvious in those dark eyes however, they give away just how much he truly hates it. "That's awesome." You say with a smile. He meets your gaze, a little unsure if you're simply saying it to be polite so you continue, "Seriously, if I had that I'd never walk again."

~Zak's P.O.V.~

He smiles at that before speaking, "There's breakfast in the kitchen if you want anything." He then mentally scowls at himself, 'She has to go at some point, you can't keep her here.' "Oh thank you!" She says as she makes her way to the kitchen "And thank you again for letting me use the room." She adds with a smile. Which he can't really help but copy, "No problem." He speaks before floating after her.

After (Y/N) had finished up and put her empty bowl away he knew that meant she had to go, no point in delaying the inevitable. 'You're going to be alone again.' 'All alone.' 'With us.' 'With him.' 'Monster.' 'You deserve it anyway.' Zak subtly shakes his head trying to clear those God forsaken voices, 'Shut up.' He would shoot back but they're always relentless when trying to cause him as much grief as they can.

The bastards...

'Wonder what would happen if she finds out.' 'When she sees what you've done.' 'What exactly you are.' 'She'll never come back.' 'Never.' 'You'll be so alone, won't you Zak?' 'All alone!' 'Alone!' 'Alone!' 'So alone!' 'Poor Zak!' 'So sad!' 'HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!'


He snaps his eyes open and looks at (Y/N), finding that they're both standing at the front doors, "Are you ok?" She asks a bit uneasy, "Fine, why do you ask?" "You sounded like you were... Growling? Again?"


"Yeah sorry, just uh... I didn't really get much sleep is all. I'm fine." He says with a smile as he opens the door for her, silently hoping she'll believe him. Thankfully she brushes it off for now. "Alright, I'll see you later then." Zak blinks in surprise at that, "Later?" "Yeah, if you want me to come back, I mean I-" "Yes!" He replies a little too enthusiastically so he quickly regains himself and clears his throat, "Sure, if you want to. Um, doors always open obviously." She laughs, "Alright, tomorrow then." "Ok." He says with a chuckle as she makes her way down the steps, "Bye Zak!" 

He waves as he closes the door with a sigh. Oh and there it goes again, that same feeling in his chest, which he was about to scold but pauses when he notices multiple shadows running across the hallways upstairs. He knows that wasn't an accident, they meant for him to notice them. A deep hiss suddenly rises from his chest in warning, "Don't even think about it..."

~??? P.O.V.~

"She's going to come back."

"What do we do?"

"We have to stop her."

"How? He's made it obvious he's going to guard her from us now."

"True, but relinquish your worries my friends... I have the perfect idea of how we can ruin everything for him."

"What's the idea?"

"Oh just wait..."

"You'll see..."

(Ooooh foreshadowing, this is gonna get good. Hope you guys like it so far! :D)

Save Me From Myself (A Zak Bagans X Reader Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin