Ch. 16 ~The Devil's Dance On Holy Ground~

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(Hello people! :D Sorry about the wait on this, but I'd thought I'd hurry and get this up before I go on vacation 8,DD Not only that but I've been thinking of some more story ideas, hopefully I can start one up when I get back UvU)

It's the next morning and you're snoozing away when suddenly you feel pressure and slight vibrating on your side. Your drowsy mind thinks nothing of it as you continue your slumber, you then hear light chuckling and something nuzzling under your ear. This causes you to crack your eyes open and look over at whoever is disturbing your sleep.

Your eyes immediately meet a bright but small smile, and shiny ruby eyes to match, you can't help but grin as you lay your head back down on the fluffy pillow, that is until you remember what today is. You sit up and wrap your arms around his neck and whisper, "You ready?"

You feel him tense up as he slowly shakes his head no, "It's ok, I'm not either honestly." You pull away and gently rub the side of his face, "Remember what I said though, we're gonna be there for you no matter what, alright?" He nods and shuts his eyes, trying to concentrate everything on you in order to relax some.

"And once this is over maybe I can take you out on an actual date." He says as he looks up at you with a grin, you smile and give a light peck on the forehead, "I'd love to." You say before sliding off the bed in the direction of the bathroom so you can get ready.

Once everyone has gotten ready, and snagged a little breakfast, Billy takes the wheel and within a few minutes or less he's parking in front of a very large, quite classy looking, church. Everyone is quiet and no one moves, but you can feel Zak trembling ever so slightly, you try to soothe him as best you can before stepping out, "Alright, I'll go see if he's there while you guys try and calm him down." You shut the door and make your way inside. You should've checked the time, because it would seem there was a service being held currently.

You sat in one of the pews and waited it out, and after a very slow 5 minutes, everyone began to file out. You, not wanting to waste any more precious time, began to slowly weave your way through the crowd, ignoring the glances of people wondering why a random girl was there wearing nothing but a shirt, some shorts, and sneakers which is not very suitable for church, especially one of this high class.

After dodging the crowd you notice a large group, consisting of mostly elderly, surrounding a middle aged man in a white robe, then you remember the picture Billy showed you.

It was him.

You make your way over and decide to wait for the group to leave, once there's a more manageable number, you walk over and grab his attention, "Excuse me, Mr. Oakley? Sir?" He looks over at you and greets you with a smile and offers his hand, "Yes, I'm John Oakley. And who might you be? I don't believe I've ever seen you here before." You shake his hand, "My name is (Y/N) and I'm not from here. But I had to come to you because it's an emergency." He tilts his head, "What kind of emergency?"

"A cleansing or exorcism emergency. But I was wondering if we could speak about it in private." He raises his eyebrows and nods, "Yes, yes of course right this way please." He says kindly before turning back to the group, "Thank you Ms. Atkins, and everyone I'll see you all next Sunday."

He escorts you to his office where you can speak more freely without anyone listening. He shuts the door behind you both and takes a seat at a large desk. You walk over and sit before him, "So it's an exorcism you say?" You nod, "I can't really put into words how bad it is, all I can say is that he's tried everything and he's running out of options, and we were hoping you could help." He nods once more, "And where is he now?" "He's outside waiting in the car."

"Oh!" He starts and quickly sets his pen and paper down before standing up, "Go on and bring him in, I'll make sure no one is still present." You nod and make your way to the door, and after more dodging of small crowds you make it back to the car, where Billy rolls down the window, "How is he?" You ask, the response you get is Billy shaking his head causing you to sigh, "Alright, Father Oakley is about to clear out the church so we can bring him in, I didn't give him too many details I just said we were waiting for him."

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