Ch. 14 ~Finding The Holy Cure~

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(Ayyy to be honest I struggled with this chapter for awhile lmao I just couldn't figure out how to go about it. There was a LOT of backtracking and rewriting but hopefully it's decent. And if you didn't already notice, you'll know now I'm terrible at fight scenes-)

You stared wide eyed at the three men before you, any other day you'd be ecstatic to meet them but right now it's quite an inconvenience. "Um. Hi." You smile nervously, Billy is the first to speak, "Hi we're here to talk to someone named Deliah?"

'Of course...'

"She's right here come on in." You step away allowing them in while shooting Deliah a death glare. She ignores it while the guys make themselves comfortable about to ask all the questions they have but you beat them to it with, "How much do you know?"

Jay's the first to answer, "Enough that would get us down here." You nod then Aaron jumps in, "Where is he?" Then Billy, "And how bad has it gotten?"

"I was just about to go look for him, he would still be here if SOMEBODY didn't run him off." Deliah sighs before answering, "(Y/N) for the last time I was just trying to protect you." "Protect me from what? He was fine!" "Tell that to the news!" You put your head in your hand before spinning around, walking in the direction of the door, "I don't have time for this I need to find him."

"Do you have any idea where he could be?" You look back at the worried crew and smile offering some hope, "I may have an idea, but if he isn't there then you guys can help." They nod then you continue, "But until then, make yourselves comfortable. I'll be right back." With that said you're out the door, down the sidewalk, and into the woods.


This probably wouldn't be where he would go but at the least it's an educated guess. You throw open the door, greeted by the same old double staircases, and call out Zak's name. When you get no answer you move to the second floor trying the same tactic there. Still silence, "Zak please! Where are you?!"

You're about to head to another set of stairs that leads to the third floor when suddenly the air around you becomes chilled. At first you're happy thinking it's Zak but when you turn around you see small white figures floating in front of you, "What are you doing here (Y/N)? You must flee!" Oh no, not this time, "Stop. I know you're faking it now where is he?"

The figures stare at you before they start to cackle and change, showing you their true colors. The leader, you would assume, begins to circle you, amusement coating her voice, "Smart girl. Didn't think you'd catch on." "Where is he?"

The black mass ignores you and continues, "Do you know why we're here? Or why you've been having those nightmares since you first came here?"

"I don't care about that I just wanna know where he is, please." The being chuckles, "Patience is a virtue my dear." She then floats over to the staircase leading up, "Now, right this way if you please."

You take a few steps then stop, "If I follow you, will you tell me where he is?" They all laugh as one of them on your right speaks up, "You probably won't want to look for him after this."

That unnerves you slightly but nonetheless you slowly make your way up.


Deliah leaves the kitchen with some water bottles in her arms. She sets them down before flopping into a chair across from the couch with a sigh, "So what do you guys think of the situation so far? You nervous?"

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