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(It's now time to put the pretty little bow on this book. And deem it complete UwU Also I swear to heck this gif gets me so bad Iloveitsodamnmuchhelpmezakplease) 

And so, you and Zak finally got your date together, and it was alright...

Just kidding it was absolutely amazing really. For once you two could kiss on each other all you want and NOT get interrupted, so that was a very nice change. 

He showed you all the best places he knew. And wasn't afraid to smile about it.

He'd hold your hand so snuggly. And wasn't worried about claws knicking you.

He would laugh. And it would sound so genuine.

It made your heart swell, him smiling and laughing like there wasn't a single trouble in the world, could almost convince people to think he just won the jackpot at some casino.

But that's not the case.

You know what he won. His freedom, his happiness, his peace of mind, everything was gonna be ok now.

He swoops in for yet another little sneak attack on your lips and you return it with just as much passion, before pulling away with a giggle and looking into those wonderful blue eyes, now sure it's a little different from what you used to see him as, but it still causes another surge of happiness to shoot through your heart.

"What?" He asks with a grin.

You merely smile, "Nothing, just wanted to see what your eyes normally look like."

He laughs, "I don't think they're that great but ok." You shake your head, "I beg to differ." You whisper and sneak your hand around to gently scratch at his neck...

Causing a little purr to rumble from him.

You both freeze and look at each other wide eyed, until a grin slowly crawls upon your lips, "Did you just-" He hurriedly sputters out, "No, nope, nah uh, it's gone so I don't do that anymore, no." With a deep red covering his face making you laugh and smooch him before snuggling up more to him, "I don't know, I think I heard something, and it sounded SUPER cute." 

This causes Zak to break into a laugh then gives one more kiss, and a little peck on the back of your hand, before gently tugging you along to show you more.

Oh yes, everything is gonna turn out just fine. 

And it only gets better, Ghost Adventures picked back up and everyone was beyond ecstatic to see the leader has returned and was well, along with the addition of a new member, that and the museum getting tons more people than usual.

Not to mention his social media blowing up, telling him how glad they are that he's back and ok, and for the most part asking him what happened, until he finally snagged a picture of you one day, while you were laughing with the guys and wasn't paying attention, then he put it up with a caption that simply said.

'She saved me.'

This left many people with more questions than answers, which directed lots of attention to you than you thought possible. Lots of them thanking you for helping Zak and many others were curious and intrigued by your sudden show up. Was all quite flattering really.

Basically everything was great, perfect even.

In fact one could say it's almost TOO perfect...

I wonder how long it will last...

(And this my dear readers is where we finally... Bring this story to a close UwU) 

(Honestly again I feel really sad about ending this XD But it's more of a bittersweet feeling I would say u3u cause hey I mean at least I DIDN'T kill him amiright??? 8D)

(Anyways, I just wanna say thank you. Thank you guys SO much for taking the time to read this and to actually vote on it, really when I had first started this I never thought anyone would be interested in it, that no one would even glance at this story, until I see you guys actually asking for more of this and even a SEQUEL like Omg! These people actually like this and I couldn't be happier for it!! :,D)

(Also I'd like to dedicate a good portion of this story to sleepy_puff she helped me with most of the parts in it and even convinced me to continue it when I thought for awhile that no one cared for it. That I'm just putting stupid ideas out. QwQ So thank you so much sleepy! I couldn't have finished this without you! :D hhhsorryramblingasusual But again thank you everyone for reading this and I hope you enjoy! :D <3)

Save Me From Myself (A Zak Bagans X Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now