Ch. 7 ~All Better~

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(Alright so I figured after that last chapter I'd do something slightly more light and fluffy, because why not lol.)

After the movie night incident things continued to remain as they were.

Or almost.

It's as if you awoke some part of the original Zak, you assume at least given that you aren't exactly sure how he acted before this mess happened to him but now he's a little more willing with hugs basically, doesn't matter what's going on or what you're doing he'll either ask for one, or motion it, or hint at it in someway and it's actually kinda funny...

And also pretty sweet. 

Because he does in a way that's very gentlemanly to where you can't really find it in yourself to say no, you swear he does it on purpose, so every time he asks, and you always allow it, there's big arms wrapped around you with no hesitation.

Not to mention, if you're lucky sometimes there'll be a gruff happy purr following it, he'll even go the extra mile of just lifting you off the floor as he hugs you if he's in a really good mood. It's not his fault you're so small.

Of course you can always tell the difference when it's just a quick hug between friends or when it's serious. Normally when it's all for fun he'll give you a quick side hug while grinning. But when it's more dire you can tell.

If you're the first one to give the hug and you feel him squeeze you alittle tighter than usual, as if he's wanting to make sure you're actually there, you know it right away and have to try to coax him out of it.

Thankfully however these aren't all the time, and they normally don't last too long. So, many friendly affections galore and that's not all, remember those soft blankets? They're a big hit. Every time you'd show up he's at the door wrapped in one or sometimes even more. Which never fails to make you smile.

"I take it you like the blankets?"

"...What would give you that idea?..."

All in all he's basically become this giant demonic cat, and you honestly couldn't thank those she-devils enough for them ditching you. But one thing still remains...

That eerie dream you keep having, the same one you had when Zak first allowed you to spend the night there, if anything it's the only dream you've had since then. It's the same thing every time, same blurry red vision, same voices, same dark figure looming over to reach at you just before you jolt awake.

A broken record that's been troubling you really bad lately, what if it's a sign for something evil that's attached to you? Or it's a glimpse into the future of how you're going to die. Whatever it is, or the meaning it holds, you can't shake it. It scares you.

However, your timid self couldn't be brought to bother Zak with something that could just as easily be explained away. Not to mention he's obviously got his own problems that are far more serious than yours. You're supposed to be helping him, not the other way around. It's too late though, the tall ghost hunter already seemed to take notice of your change in behavior and decided to get down to the bottom of what's wrong. He's still an investigator after all.

You're now currently making your way back to your living room with a bowl of popcorn in hand, Zak insisted that the movie night happen at your house this time, you weren't sure why he'd suddenly want to change things up but you weren't bothered by it.

Once in the living room you find Zak in his favorite fuzzy blanket petting your cat that decided to curl up in his lap. The sight is too sweet for words. 

"I see you've made a new friend." You tease while setting the bowl down on the table with the numerous other snacks you two gathered. Zak merely grins, "She's really soft." He says in slight awe as he continues to pet the purring little gray and white tabby. This causes you to grin before taking a seat in your spot on the couch.

Soon after you both get settled down and the movie starts, Zak throws his plan into action. He clears his throat to get your attention and starts off lightly, "So I noticed you've been down lately, is something bothering you?" "Oh uh yeah, I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

"Because you've been looking really out of it lately, also you currently have the worst bags under your eyes right now." Well, you suppose you have been losing some sleep lately. "I'm fine I swear." You look at him and attempt a smile but you know he's not buying it. "(Y/N)." He starts. Why are you getting teary eyed? What's wrong with you? 

You don't even notice you're crying or that Zak immediately shifts so he can gather you up and wrap himself around you. "(Y/N) please, you have to tell me otherwise I can't help." He whispers, finally you manage to quietly choke out, "This dream I keep having." In no time you begin spilling everything to him, from what happens in the dream to what it's currently doing to you now.

During your explanation you didn't catch Zak's gaze shifting to one of hellish revenge, what you were explaining sounds quite familiar to him. But he'll deal with them later, right now you're more important.  

After your small breakdown eventually comes to an end you resort to small sniffles and continue to cling to Zak like a lifeline who was gently patting you. "Sorry." He stops and looks down at you, "For what?" You sniffle again, "Didn't mean to ruin movie night." You laugh but it's halfhearted, there's no emotion or energy in it like there should be.

So Zak thinks of a way to change that, "Did you ever see that episode where I had to crawl under a house?" You smile a little, "Or when you thought Aaron was Bigfoot." He chuckles at that, "Or when I bit into that 50 or 60 something year old cracker and thought my stomach was gonna explode." Now that gets you laughing. 

"I know what you're doing by the way." You manage a small grin as you look up at him. "Is it working though?" He grins back at you. You smile in response, a real smile this time, "Yeah." The rest of the evening consists of many more movies and Zak sharing his funniest stories with you. 

----------Few Hours later----------

It's late by the time Zak returns to his 'home' as he shuts the door behind him and makes his way for one of the staircases, "So, how was your date?" Zak suddenly halts and groans to himself as four more shadows pop up giggling maniacally, "Don't start with me it wasn't a date."

He replies sharply as he takes the second step up the stairs. Another one pipes up, "Hm sure. But you know this will only get worse for her if you don't confess." He bites back a growl, hating that they're right, they'll never leave you alone if he doesn't do something about it right here and now. So with that thought fueling him he lifts his head some as the skin of his mouth stretches into an inhuman, heinous smile, "Sure... I'll confess alright."

Quick as lightening he turns around and bomb rushes the apparitions, managing to perfectly snag the leader in his deadly claws. And, as much as he would be deeply ashamed to admit it, he found it to be amusing and honestly quite satisfying watching her meager attempts to squirm and thrash and hiss to escape his grasp. Which he retaliates by merely squeezing tighter, causing her to screech.

Zak soon notices the others closing in to try and retrieve their leader. Causing him to shoot a death glare at them all, silently begging any one of them to come closer for it will be their own mistake.

Looking back to the still struggling smokey figure in his hold, his voice drops to a deeply menacing tone as he speaks, "I'll confess this," he starts while staring her down and angling to where she stares nowhere else but at him, "Bother (Y/N) again and I promise you when my time comes to face eternal damnation, I'll make sure I personally DRAG all of you down with me."

Zak then hears one bravely scoff and immediately snaps his head up to hiss at the other four, "Try me." He snarls, "Cause let's not forget..." The sinister grin returns, "None of you are any better than me." That proves to be more than enough to make them float away some as he looks back down at his catch and growls lowly, "Stay. Away. From her. Do I make myself clear?" Zak asks but doesn't bother waiting for an answer as he tosses the dark spirit down, observing her scoot a distance away from him before hissing quietly.


(Enjoy! :D)

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