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WILLA WAS GRATEFUL when the time came for the royal party to return to King's Landing

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WILLA WAS GRATEFUL when the time came for the royal party to return to King's Landing. It was bittersweet due to the fact that Bran, Arya, Sansa, and Ned were leaving as well. She would be losing half of her family, but they would return for Robb and Willa's wedding which take place as soon as Ned was settled into the role of Robert's hand, and was able to take leave.

"Willa," she turned to be met with the sight of Queen Cersei. The Lannister woman had taken an interest in Willa that she couldn't understand. She seemed to be going out of her way to talk her when her attention should have been more focused on Sansa, the future queen.

Willa, not forgetting her manners, politely curtsied before the queen, "Your Grace."

Cersei smiled, "No need to be so formal child."

"I'm sorry," Willa apologized, "How may I be of service?"

"I'd like you to come to the capital, just until you wedding," Cersei told her, "I'd think that you should at least see the world before you're stuck here for the rest of your life."

"That is such a kind offer, but-"

"I won't take no for an answer," Cersei interrupted. It was a demand, but the queen tried to smooth it over by offering Willa a faux warm smile.

Willa was no idiot, but she was confused by the Lannister's interest in her. She came from a prestigious house, sure, but she was nothing compared to Margaery Tyrell in the Reach. The other girl was said to be smart, ambitious, and beautiful. Why were they not taking an interest in her?

"I cannot leave Robb," Willa rebutted, "We've been together since I arrived in Winterfell. I can't imagine spending any time away from him."

Cersei's face morphed to one of understanding. Willa wondered if that was how it was for her and her brothers. She and Ser Jaime were twins and had been together their entire lives. The queen didn't seem to favor her dwarf brother, but he was always there, right in tow with Cersei and Jaime. Willa believed lions liked to travel in packs like wolves. Where you find one Lannister, you'll surely find another.

Cersei reached out and gently brought one of her palms to cup Willa's face, "Dear, you have been here since you were a girl. The North is all you know; wouldn't you like a chance to experience something else? To meet other people?"

Willa didn't respond immediately. Cersei did have a point, she would like to meet people from other lands, know of their culture, but that wasn't what the queen was insinuating. She wanted Willa to leave Robb, marry someone else, quite possibly her son.

"I will think about it, Your Grace," Willa settled on. She no longer wanted to continue this conversation, discomfort had filled her veins a long time ago, and now only seemed to increase.

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