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"HAVE THE TYRELLS responded to the letter?" Edric asked nervously

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"HAVE THE TYRELLS responded to the letter?" Edric asked nervously.

Robb produced a letter with the Tyrell seal and showed it to Edric.

"Why haven't you opened it?"

"Because I'm not so sure I'm going to like the response," Robb said, twirling the letter between his fingers. He hadn't told Willa of the letters arrival and he felt guilty about it. They told each other everything, but he didn't want to worry his wife.

"Robb I know we aren't...close, but I care about Willa-"

"A little too much if you ask me," Robb muttered under his breath, but the bastard had heard him and simply rolled his eyes.

"We can't trust Jaime around her," Edric says, "The Lannisters are plotting something so I think when we head south it's best to leave Willa and Jaime here."

Robb sits up in his seat, "You know Willa will never agree to stay in Winterfell."

"She's pregnant, isn't she? That seems like a reason to stay in Winterfell," Edric said with a shrug. Robb's eyes narrow at the man standing across from him. They hadn't told anyone about why Willa collapsed, not even Catelyn knew.

"How did you know?" Robb asked.

"Willa's kept to her chambers more than usual," Edric said, "At first I thought she was ill, but even when sick Willa still manages to carry on."

Robb let out a laugh, "I guess Willa is quite involved in everything."

"That's an understatement," Edric said with a chuckle, "Also the ladies have been whispering about it, Rylen in particular."

"Of course," Robb said with a sigh. He glanced down at the letter in his hand and glanced back up to Edric. There was no need to concern Willa in the matter. She was stressed enough as it was. Slowly, he ripped the seal open and read the contents of the letter.

Surprisingly the Tyrells seemed to be in favor of the plan. If Edric were willing to claim for the throne himself, they would support him, only if he married Margaery. Robb glanced up and met Edric's curious gaze.

"The Tyrells will ally with us, but only if you wed Margaery Tyrell and become King of the Seven Kingdoms."

Edric stares in disbelief, "I'm going to be king?"

Robb nodded his head, "If we have anything to do with it, you will."

"Robb, being king is a lot of responsibility. My father wasn't good at it, and I think that I wouldn't be very good at it either, I mean I'm a bastard," Edric says with a laugh, "Bastards have fought for thrones before and they have been thwarted."

"Edric you have the backing of two great houses. Once we deal with the Lannisters and the Freys, the iron throne will be yours. You may not be the best king Edric, but that's a bridge we'll cross once we get there," Robb told him, "Besides Willa believes that you're fit to rule for some reason and rarely is she wrong."

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