Chapter 18- Always and Forever (Full Chapter)

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Alley's POV

"JOEY!!!" I screeched.

Everyone at our lunch table erupted in laughter while I was fuming at a certain blonde boy.

"Wwwawt?" He acted innocently with his mouth packed with food. MY food!

"I'm so gonna kill you!!" I said angrily through gritted teeth.

I jumped across the table and successfully landed on Joey and landed a few punches on him.


Well let's go back in time for a mo.


Jake and I were currently walking towards the cafeteria in silence. He decided that he would collect me from class and walk us to lunch.

The thing is though, we're not speaking. Well, I am the one who's not speaking to him.

"For the last time Alley, what have I done this time?" He asked with a demanding tone. Obviously he's angry.
1. His tone says that much.
2. He said my full name and he only does that if he's serious or angry.

I know I know, I'm one complicated and confusing person but he gotta learn how to live with it.


I ignored him.


I ignored him.


I ignored him.


I ignored him.


I wanted to ignore him but I couldn't.

My head snapped up to meet his eyes.

"Great, that caught your attention." He said with a slight smirk. "Is it me?"

Feeling really awful and like a total bitch I decided to answer. I shook my head in response making him know it was not his fault.

His tone was soft as he spoke. "Then what is it princess?"

My simple answer was a shrug.

Honestly I don't know what's wrong. I'm just in a mood. I think.

"It's okay. I'm here whenever you need to talk." He said pulling me to his side and kissing the top of my head.

"I'm sorry." I said quietly and Jake just nodded in response.

So we continued our journey to the cafeteria in a comfortable silence.

Upon reaching, I headed straight to our table while Jake went to get our lunch. As usual, I was one of the last ones there. I briefly greeted everyone without using words. Noticing my change in behavior they enquired what was wrong.

"She's okay." Jake answered for me while he sat down with our lunch which consisted of fries, cheese, chicken and water.

Not feeling really hungry, I just ate the fries with cheese as my dip while everyone around me chatted. Cheese and chips? Well duhhh. If you've never had that then you're really missing out.

"So today is the party, you can all head home for change of clothes then head straight to my home so we can get setting up." Cassi suggested and everyone nodded in agreement.

"So baby girl, would you mind sharing your fries?" Joey smirked.

I sent a hard glare his way.

"Pwease??!" He said with puppy face. I ignored him and continued munching on my third fry.

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