Chapter 38- Good vs Evil

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Alley's POV

It was Sunday. Friday as I mentioned, I didn't go to school and yesterday was pretty much uneventful.

I got out of bed, went to the bathroom, changed then headed down the stairs where I could smell the delicious aroma of pancakes wafting through the house.

I skipped the stairs two at a time before finally reaching the last one. I was about to enter the kitchen but the conversation inside made halt my steps.

"I don't think we have a week before this war." The voice of my father voiced.

"Have you found anything yet?" I heard my brother's voice asked in a hushed tone.

I stood frozen as I listened to the conversation taking place.

"He's missing." I heard mom say. "He's completely off the grid."

"Who's missing?" I asked, walking into the room.

I wasn't going to waste anymore time not being a part of this conversation which was obviously important.

The three of them shared a look of hesitance.

"You really shouldn't be keeping secrets from us with everything that's going on." Selena came in behind me and pointed out.

I didn't even realise she was in hearing range as well.

The five of us stared among our one another waiting for someone to speak up, but no one got the chance to.

Our kitchen windows came crashing in and men filed into our house like they owned the place. Gun shots rained before we got the chance to do anything.

"Alley, Selena take cover!" Our dad shouted.

I felt someone push me out of the way. My head hit something and I immediately felt dizzy.

What the hell was happening!?

I shook my head furiously, trying to rid the darkness that was trying to take over.

I found myself behind the kitchen table which somehow got flipped over during the short span of time. The gun shots didn't slow and I knew I had to help.

I peered from behind the table and noticed my mother blocking and freezing bullets, while Chris and dad were fighting and taking out men. I spotted my sister on the other side of the room crouching behind the open fridge door. We both made eye contact and signalled each other.

'On three.' She mouthed to me and I nodded.

She started counting and as soon as she reach the number three we both sprung from behind our hiding place and towards each other. We held hands and I felt something snapped within. I felt a weird amount of power surged through my body and all I wanted to do was to unleash it.

Suddenly it became too much so my sister and I released it in a blast. The force sent everyone flying and shattering every glass.

My family and I rose to our feet in astonishment as the men remained unconscious.

"What the hell just happened?" My brother voiced.

"I think we just found our destined power." Selena and I answered simultaneously.

"I guess we all know what that means then." My mother said.

"What?" The four of us questioned.

"The war is about to start. Like the real war."

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