Chapter 20- Meeting the Fam

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Alley's POV

"Alley where do you keep your painkillers?" Jake asked from inside my bathroom.

"Cabinet above the sink." I meekly replied.

After awaking, my body was cooled and the pain abated. My parents had to go to work so Chris volunteered to stay home with me, while Selena went to school. Some time after Jake unexpectedly showed up saying he noticed I was not at school and Selena told him what had happened. After that Chris had left to take care of some business so it's just me and Jake.

"Found them." He said, walking to my side with a bottle of pills.

He gave me two and I washed them down with a bottle of water that was on my night stand.

"Thanks." I said.

"No prob." He answered, taking a seat beside me on my bed.

"Can I?" He asked motioning to my hand.

"You really don't need to ask if you can hold my hand y'know. I won't kill you or anything." I replied, sitting up straighter.

He chuckled, "I know. It's just that you're extra sensitive right now. I wasn't too sure." He took my hand in his and intertwined them.

"Alley, this is us." He started, lifting our intertwined fingers. "And I like this. I like us. I like you. I'm sorry about last night."

"This is you being ready to talk?" I said raising a brow.

"Yes. I trust you, just know that. I'm sorry for how I reacted." He apologized.

"The shouting?"

"Yes the shouting."

"Not defending me when your ex showed up?"

"Yes, for not defending you."

"Or for believing her?" I asked bitterly.

"What makes you think that?" He asked surprised.

"I could see it in your eyes. Here you are talking about you trust me when last night you thought I actually went about throwing myself at other guys. Are you for real? Am I not free to speak with other males without being a hoe?" My voice rose with each word spoken.

"First of all, I never said you were a hoe, no one did. Secondly, I do trust you Alley. Sorry I'm not perfect. Sorry I'll get jealous and act irrationally, but I'm trying here, okay? It's been a while since I cared about a girl's feelings this much. I put what I'm feeling aside and focus on your feelings. I slip up yes, I may not be totally human, but I'm still not perfect. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about her if that's what you want to hear. You don't expect to magically know everything in a week, do you?" Jake shared, his voice raising too.

I felt a tear roll down my cheek; then another.

"I never asked you to be perfect. I don't want you to be. All I ask is for you to understand my feelings." I sobbed softly.

Jake's face soften as he looked at me. In one Swift movement, he came and sat directly in front of me and dried my tears.

"Baby don't cry. Shhh. I understand you, okay? I understand your feelings. I understand that you felt hurt because I didn't defend you when she was there. I understand that you were mad when I shouted. Right now, I understand that you are really sensitive and I'm sorry. Okay? I'm sorry for everything. Please don't cry angel." Jake said softly, staring into my eyes and caressing my cheeks.

I mutely nodded before resting my head on his chest and wrapping my arms around him. He pulled me closer, whispering soothing words in my ears. After a while, we pulled apart.

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