Chapter 29- Because I love you

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Alley's POV

Monday rolled around and I was feeling my worst. Ever since Friday this Jake and I thing had gotten worse each passing day. I finally got back a new phone and used back my same number, so obviously he hadn't tried to contact me.

"Okay now let's practice hydrokinesis with telekinesis and freezing. Both of you manipulate the water into any desired form, Alley you move it, then Selena freeze it. Se, try to freeze it in absolute ice like your mother did." Joey instructed and we both nodded, getting ready to work.

I formed my water into the shape of a broken heart, while Selena formed hers into a full heart.

I turned to roll my eyes at her when a figure approaching us caught my eyes. I ignored it and did my second part of the task. Selena then froze it but it was not solid ice. She tried harder but it just didn't work.

"The ice is power development. Your powers are too young now." The voice of Jake sounded from behind us.

We all whipped around to face him. I avoided eye contact as much as possible.

"What are you doing here?" I seethed, my voice hard and cold.

"I'm here to talk. I'm ready for the real convo." His voice was the opposite of mine, soft.

"Yeah? Well that ship sailed, love." I pushed passed him and stormed out of the gym and used my wolf speed to run to my room.

As the door was about to close behind me, Jake vampire sped his way into my room before it could fully close.

"Get out!" I screamed.


"I saw you with her and it hurt like shit! But you know, you're Jake Knight; arrogant, cocky and well, a bad boy. You just don't care though. I ended up hurting someone I cared deeply for all because I chose you." My voice was hard as i spoke, staring him down.

"Princess I'm sor-"

"I don't wanna hear it Jake! I'm so done with hearing how sorry you are all the damn time!" I screamed, cutting him off.

"Alley please." He pleaded.

"Get the hell out of my room Jake!" I threw anything my hand caught at him, but he dodged them all.

"No." He said firmly. "I'm not giving up on us, okay? If we're going to end, let's at least end on good terms."

"Remember the first time we kissed?" He reminded, slowly stepping closer to me.

"Jake please don't do this to me." I pleaded in a small voice

"From that moment I knew I wanted to give you the whole damn world and make you mine for as long as possible." Regardless of my words, he continued. "I will not say shit about how I can't live without you, because I can. The problem is, I just don't want to."

"Stop! I hate you! I hate you so much!" I screamed, tears rolling down my cheeks. I sank onto the floor and hugged the first thing that my hand touched; the Teddy bear. After realizing what it was I threw it in Jake's face. It hit him then dropped to the floor.

"No you don't." He slid down on the floor as well, a safe distance from me.

"No. I don't. I hate that I still love you." The confession slip right through my lips before I even had the chance to stop the words.

He drew closer, eyes widened in surprise.

"You do? You did?"

I avoided his eyes. "How could I not?"

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