Journey to SHIELD

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Natasha P.O.V.

After a while, my captor, or maybe savior depending on what happens within the next twenty-four hours, led me to a rooftop where there sat a plane, but from the looks of it, the engines were actually in the wings. I was surprised he let me walk behind him, although after what happened in the alley, I'm sure his fear of me was practically nonexistent. When we entered the plane into what looked like a mix of a cargo hold and passenger seating, there was a man in a classic black suit waiting for us. I can only presume that he is my captor's handler and from the looks of things he was not too happy.

"Fury's pretty ticked at you," he said looking at my capturer, his voice not betraying any emotion.

"Coulson do you really think I care what Fury thinks right now?" my capture retorted, moving towards the cockpit. The complete disregard of his superiors surprised me, even as I was trying to leave Red Room, I still gave respect to my handlers and commanders.

"Well why don't you just get us in the air Barton, I'll get us something to eat," The man in the suit, Coulson, said to my captor, while pinching the bridge of his nose. "You can sit down," Coulson said, gesturing to the fold-down seats that lined the craft's walls as he put some meals in a microwave that was built into the plane, obviously this particular craft was built for extractions. I sat down in one of the seats that are bolted to the walls while he sat across from me. "You've caused quite a few problems for us, Ms. Romanova."

I cocked an eyebrow, Really, I thought you just agents to tail people for weeks just for shits and giggles. "Then why did you let me live?" I asked. Even with my cocky attitude returning I was still wondering why I am sitting in this plane as opposed to being dead in some back alley, to be found by some poor unfortunate worker on a smoke break.

He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees, "Honestly, I don't know, Barton's the one that called it."

I scoffed. On our walk over, it seemed that with each step he took, Barton was regretting not putting me down in that alley. I couldn't believe that he was the one that decided to spare me without a real reason behind it.

"I got it set for the Hub," Barton said, stepping out of the cockpit. A shrill set of beeps resonated in the plane. "Please, tell me that's what I think it is?" Barton asked, lounging across two of the seats, while Coulson went to the microwave and took out whatever had been cooking in it.

Coulson chuckled and said, "Yes." He then turned to me with two black dishes in his hands, "Would you like steak or chicken, Ms. Romanova?"

"Steak," I responded, knowing it was easier to make sure that the meat was cooked

"Here you go," Coulson said, as handed me a microwave meal and some utensils. "Barton you get the chicken," Coulson said before sitting next to Barton, who immediately had begun to devour the food in front of him, while I examined the meat in front of me. It had been a while since I had eaten steak and even longer since I've one of this quality. "Don't worry it's not poisoned," Coulson assured me after taking note of my lack of eating. For some reason, the man gave me the feeling that I could trust him.

I began to eat my meal, though at a much slower pace than Barton was. Once I was finished Coulson handed me a blanket, "You can rest if you would like to. It'll be a few hours before we land, and I am sure that you're tired."

I figured that there wasn't anything better for me to do, and if they were going to kill me, they would have definitely done it by now. I curled my legs under me and tucked the blanket behind me before leaning my head back and closing my eyes.


Clint's P.O.V

It wasn't until after he made sure she was asleep Coulson turned to me and asked," Why did you make that call? You knew that it causes a lot of problems, both for you and her. Everyone at SHIELD knowns about the Black Widow, no one is going to trust her and that's if Fury even lets her join."

"He let me join, and I was definitely a much bigger risk than she is. She's been in a situation like SHIELD before and I know she has the skills to go far."

"She's an ex-KGB assassin Clint, not an ex-carney that did what he had to in order to survive."

"Coulson you saw her file she's been training since she was a kid, there is no way that she chose this option. That's why I did what I did, I saw it in her eyes it was like looking at a scared kid. She has potential Coulson, I just couldn't take the shot. You should know what that's like."

Coulson took a deep breath, "I understand, and I promise that I will try to help you with Fury, although from how he was talking to me after you turned off your comms, he's looking to put your head on a spit."

I nod, "Understandable, now if you'll excuse me, I think that I am going to follow Red's lead and take a little nap too. Sleeping on that rooftop was not fun." I grabbed a blanket and laid down, hoping that when we land I will still have a job.

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