Coming Together

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A.N. I just want everyone to know that my one-shot book that pertains to some of the characters post-Endgame is now out so check that out if you want. Also sorry that this is so short, but it's mainly a tie into the Avengers, which is what the next chapter should cover.

Natasha's P.O.V.

"I thought that you said that New Mexico was just going to be just observation duty?" I joked, pointing at Barton with my fork.

"And I thought that you were just supposed to evaluating Stark."

"Fair point, though I'd take a thousand years with Stark over having to deal with what happened at Culver again."

"I bet, although I heard that Fury's trying to get Banner to make a deal with SHIELD, though I don't know what exactly that entails. He's seriously putting his chips on this A-team thing. How did Stark's eval go by the way?"

"Like I said not someone the WSC really wants to have to deal with or even give credit too, and while I'll admit he has a giant ego, his heart is in the right place. So, on the record, he's a consultant for SHIELD." Clint leaned forward, knowing there was more to the story. "But off the record, Fury wants him and I'm sure he knows a way to rope him in if it was needed."

Clint leaned back as Hill came over to us, "The director wants to see the two of you."

We got up and walked to Fury's new office, though all it really was, was a closed off section of the helicarrier's cockpit.

"What do you need sir?" Barton asked as he sat down, though, with every bit of respect that Barton gives, some form of formality had to be given away, and in this case, it was propping his feet up on the table.

"I have assignments for both of you, which are directly related to your last detail," Fury said, knocking Barton's feet off the glass.

"Oh please god no more deserts," Clint mumbled under his breath.

"Don't worry Barton it's just another observation detail you'll-"

Clint cut Fury off, "I would just like to say my last 'observation' detail ended up with me almost having to fight an Iron Man looking thing on steroids in the middle of New Mexico."

Fury rolled his eye, "Yes I know, but this is just watching over scientist and making sure none of them get hurt."

"Must be some hell of an experiment if you're needing to bring a level seven in on it." Barton sat and pondered for a moment, "Eh, what the hell maybe I'll get to see something blow up."

"Love the sentiment," Fury mumbles before turning to me. "Your assignment Ms. Romanoff deals with Vanko. I want to find out how much the Russians actually know and what they have."

I lean back and cross my arms over my chest, "Should be simple, now that Red Room's out of commission I'm sure most of the bosses think I'm drifting around just looking for a group to join so it should allow me a few different masks to wear."

I could see tell that Barton wanted to protest what was happening but decided against that and with that, we left the office with what was probably a few weeks of work that would hopefully end with us possibly taking a vacation with Laura, the kids, Phil, and his cellist if everything worked out.

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