Double (Break)Down

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A.N. I just uploaded a Marvel One-Shot book if ya'll want to check that out, but other than that prepare for the angst.

Natasha's P.O.V.

"He did. He really did it," Steve said, sitting down on a tree that had fallen at some point during the battle. He stared a few meters out, looking toward the area where Bucky was only moments ago. The area where our whole family was only a few minutes ago...before the Titan snapped his fingers and caused those around us to dissipate into the air.

"We need to get a jet and got on a phone," I said, causing everyone in the group to look up at me. It seemed that only Steve, Banner, Rhodes, Thor, the talking raccoon, and T'Challa's top general survived from the group of us that had been fighting in the forest. I could only imagine what it looked like on the main battlefield.

"What?" Bruce asked, disbelief in his eyes and voice. "Did you not just see what I saw. Because I just saw my friends turn to ash, I think we need a moment to process what just happened."

"Every moment that we wait is a moment that Thanos can use to get further and further away and if we plan on trying to fix what just happened here, we need to see which of us are still here." My voice started to rise, voice threatening to crack.

"She's not wrong," The general – Okoye, I believe- said. "I won't be able to provide much help as I have to stay here to protect Wakanda and her royal family, but I will offer any of the technology or transportation that we have at our disposal."

I gave the woman a grateful look, happy that she never had to make me move when we met during the whole Barnes fiasco. Everyone else on the team looked at Steve, waiting for an order from our leader.

"Natasha's right, we need to see who's left and come together." He looked to me, "Then we can try and figure out what our next step is."

Everyone nodded and Okoye led us to the palace.

As we neared the large structure I could see the queen just standing there – I assumed waiting for us – her eyes held a mixture of sadness and hope, though the latter seemed to decrease the closer and closer we got.

"Is he?" The woman asked, fear in her voice.

"I am sorry my queen," Okoye responded, her voice somber, dropping her gaze.

The queen ran to the general pulling the woman into a hug before letting out a wave of sobs.

Our group shifted nervously, looking to Steve, who began to approach the crying mother.

"Ma'am I am sorry for your losses, but I wanted to promise you that we will do everything we can to fix this."

The matriarch wiped her tears away, putting on a mask that I knew all too well and was wearing myself, "Thank you, Captain Rogers and I want you to know that Wakanda will be here to support you if you need it."

"Thank you, your majesty."

Okoye waved over one the Dora Milaje, "Please escort Captain Rogers and his team to the hangers and get them situated with whatever they need." The two soldiers share a salute before the new woman began to guide us away.


"Pepper said that she hasn't heard anything from Tony since what happened in New York," Rhodey said in the conference room.

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