Promotions and Suspicions

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A.N. I'm sorry about the lack of an update last week, I had gotten super busy and a little burnt out, but now my schedule is a little better and Endgame has definitely re-sparked my inspiration.  That being said, I do not want to see any Endgame spoilers in the comments, if you want to talk about the movie you can message me, but don't ruin it for others. I also don't know exactly how this story is going to respond to Endgame once we get to that point, but I will say that I am working on a one-shot -might evolve into a series of one-shots, I don't know- that will cover one of  the characters in Endgame, but I probably won't upload that for at least two-weeks just so that it won't spoil the movie for as many people. If you are interested in this story and want to find out more about it feel free to message me. Now with that Captain America level PSA out of the way, enjoy Natasha having to deal with the new promotion, also tell me if you think I made Pepper a little OOC.

Natasha's P.O.V.

"So how is everything on the home front?" I asked Clint over the phone. I was supposed to be meeting with Pepper Potts in order to get all the information that I would need in order to serve as Stark's personal assistant.

The café that we were supposed to meet at was pretty upscale and from the look of the menu, the food didn't seem to be that bad. I sipped my mimosa as I kept an eye out for Potts. I had selected a table that was outside the restaurant, given that the weather was nice, and that the seating would allow for a getaway in case something bad did happen.

"Pretty good, there's not much going on here. I mean there is a couple of scientists our list right now, but nothing that needs intervention."

"Why is it always the scientists that cause the issues, like just stay in your lab and be calm down. If you're bored try and find like the cure to the common cold or even better the cure for lack of common sense. You do not need to be making a knock-off iron man suit."

Clint laughed, "Speaking of the suit, how are you doing?"

"Just got promoted actually, thank god for that Japanese photo shoot. Maybe now I can figure out if these choices are due to the craziness of the Expo or if it's due to the issue that we talked about."

"What's your opinion on him right now?"

"I think that he's a little fucked up but given his past it doesn't surprise me. I think that his head is the right place, but he has issues with the execution. I definitely don't think that the council would approve of him, though you and I both know how they are starting to meddle in our business a bit more and given how much that Fury is having to fight to keep our project in place I don't think that anyone will want the name Stark to be involved." I looked up and saw Potts making her way toward me. "Hey, I'm going to have to let you go," I said before hanging up and straitening myself a little bit.

"Who was that?" Potts asked as she took her seat across from me and set a medium sized bag on the table.

"Just a friend, he was telling me about this dog that he got a few years ago."

"Oh," She said glancing at the menu before ordering quiche and mimosa as well. She then reached into her purse and handed over a bulging manila file. "This is everything that you should know about Mr. Stark, the house, and how to deal with both. I also included the flight plans for next two weeks that Mr. Stark, I have started to tell him that the flight is leaving two hours earlier than it usually is in order to even try and show up on time. I also included that number for the caterer and entertainment for his upcoming party. I also included my new email and work phone, as well as my personal number in case there is something that wasn't covered in the file, though if you are able to think on your feet you should be fine.

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