Terms and Conditions

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Clint's P.O.V.

After a few hours of flying in some kind of plane, we landed inside this underground building. Not gonna lie it was pretty cool. The man, whose name I learned was Phil Coulson, led to me a long hallway area which was lined with doors on both sides, and after a while stopped me.

"Stay here, I have to talk to my boss first then I'll get you. Don't touch anything," Coulson told me before going through one of the many doors that I could see.

So, I stood there and did what I do best, I watched. I notice a lot of people come up and down the hall, most in dress clothes. God, I hope I don't have to wear that if I work here.


Coulson's P.O.V.

"You disobeyed orders. I expected something like this from Garrett, but you Coulson.," Fury said.

"It didn't feel right."

"It didn't feel, right? He's killed people Coulson."

"He's just a kid-"

"We've gone over this. He's a kid who could be a big threat and who has killed 40 people, and that's only the ones we have the count of."

"He could also become a great agent. Sir, I read his file this kid can hit his target from almost anywhere, we could use someone like him."

"We're going to have to change some things since he's a minor and he's going to need to get his GED."

"I understand that, sir."

"And you're going to be his SO, as a way to compensate for the hell I am going to have to go through when I tell Director Carter what you do."

"Of course, sir, although may I ask you something, sir."

"Fire away."

"You knew that I wouldn't kill him and that's why you picked me isn't sir?"

"I choose the man that would do what needed to be done. Now go get this boy so I can get a look at him and let him know what's going to happen next."

"Yes, sir." I was happy that Clint would get to stay. I went to the hall and called Barton into the office.


After a while, the guy who took me here called me into an office. The whole back wall was filled with bookcases. There was a desk in the middle of the room with chairs on the side I was on. Some wood paneling and pictures covered the other walls, partially hiding the dull grey wall paint. I then did the same thing I do every time I walk into a new room, I looked for possible exits. The only door was the one I had just entered from. I saw an air vent but knew that I wouldn't make it if I needed to use that to get out of here if this turned sour. There weren't any windows for me to make a breakthrough either, so hopefully, I would be getting a job offer and not execution orders, because there is no way I would make it out in time.

"Mr. Barton," a man with an eyepatch said.

"Huh," I had been a bit distracted assessing the room that I didn't notice him talking until he said my name if he had been talking.

"I haven't said anything yet, but I was going to tell you that you're very lucky."

I sat in one of the chairs and propped my feet up on the desk. "How?"

"Because you're not dead yet and I've got an offer for you."

"So, I've heard. The real question is why would I say yes?" I had been enough situations where I was the little guy to know that the best way to survive is by having a cold attitude. They can't take away things you're attached to if they don't know you're attached to them.

"Because if you don't you will spend your life in a high-security prison."

"You guys always give great choices. You give me prison or work and he," I gesture to the guy who brought me here, "gave me the choice of work or death. You don't give a guy much of a choice."

"Mr. Barton you better choose quick." Eyepatch was getting mad at me, I knew I was toeing the line, but I also wanted to show that I wouldn't back down at a little scare

"I guess I'll work for you."

"Good, my name is Agent Nicholas Fury and this, as I am sure you know, is Agent Coulson. He'll be taking care of you."

"I don't need anyone to take care of me. I've done just fine on my own."

" I wouldn't call that how you were living fine, and it's part of our organization's rules. All younger agents are supervised by a senior agent for their first year or so of working here. In your case, I'll be making sure that you keep up with the training program you'll be put in. This program will consist of agents that have made their way through our training academy, which, given your circumstances and your past training we won't make you attend. I will also be in charge of getting you ready for your GED test, which you must take and pass in order to become anything more than a level one agent." Coulson responded.

This may not be as easy as I thought it was, but I am here now, so why not    

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