This Looks Really Bad, Feels Even Worse

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A.N. There is some reference to child abuse and sexual assault in this chapter, so if that triggers you, do not read this. 

Clint's P.O.V.

            I came to in the middle of a dimly-lit, damp room. I groaned as I lifted my head and looked around. The first thing I noticed was that the room was made completely out of cinderblock and concrete. There was a single light bulb dangling from the ceiling, which provided one of the two sources of light in the room. The other source was the little light that escaped from under the door, which from what I could see was made of solid steel. Getting out of here is going to hard. As I leaned my head back, I felt someone else's head behind me, that must be Natasha, so at least we weren't separated.

All my senses finally came back to me, and I hear a male voice, it sounded like the same man that walked into the 'spa' room before we were knocked out. That was the moment that I knew something was wrong because the moment Natasha saw him, her eyes filled with fear, actual fear. Even when I had been standing at point-blank range about to shoot, there hadn't true fear in her eyes, not like what I just saw.

"Well, Natalia, I knew you'd be back, and may I say that you look even better than the last time I saw you, albeit a little bigger than I'd prefer, but that can be overlooked." I feel his hand as he caresses the back of her head and it made me shudder. "You know the guards are already trying to figure out who gets to see you first, after me of course. Many of us were saddened by your sudden departure, there was always one thing that you were good for, no matter what. I am surprised though, I thought you had enough of our little concoction the first time we gave it to you."

I clenched my fists and had to hold back the growl that wanted to escape my throat. I knew that the Red Room did some messed up shit, but I didn't think that it was that bad. There hadn't been anything mentioned in the files, although I'm sure that when you're sleeping with young girls that you're supposed to be training, you'll want to keep that secret from the government, though I highly doubt whoever oversaw the Red Room would care, as long as they got the spies they wanted.

After about thirty minutes of ranting which I am sure was accompanied by wandering hands and eyes the man, who I learned was named Ivan, left, though he did promise to be back soon. We need to leave now, mission be dammed.

"Romanoff," I hissed, "Romanoff." I was greeted only by a whimper, this really wasn't good. I twist and turn my hands, trying to figure out what kind of tie we are in. From what I could tell they had used some rope to tie us up, although the knot was a fairly simple one. "Ok, Romanoff, I know that this is going to be hard for you, but I need you to relax your arms so that I can get us out of here."

Luckily for me, she listened, and I was able to move the rope around enough to get the knot within reach of my fingers. Thank God the trapeze artists had a smoking hot daughter and I thought that learning to do their rigging would impress her, which it did. Within a few moments, I was able to get our hands untied and moved on to taking care of our leg restraints.

After I finished untying Natasha, I looked into her eyes and was taken aback. She was both there and not, if I looked hard enough I could see the Natasha that I had seen back in that alley, most of her eyes though seemed to have been taken over by a feral animal.

"Ok, Nat, I know that you're freaked out, but we need to get out of here, and if you follow me, we can do that and kill these bastards, got it?"

She nodded, a feral smile crossing her face at the notion of killing her captors. I filled her in on the plan and that all there was left to do was wait.

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