House Visit

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A.N. A short chapter, but I just rewatched season 2 of Agents of  SHIELD,  plus I wanted to give ya'll one more breather chapter before we enter Civil War.

Natasha's P.O.V.

I had just pulled the car that Wanda and I had borrowed into the parking garage when Rogers came out to greet me, the concern on his face obvious.

"You wait here," I told Wanda, putting a hand over the bulk that Wanda was about to press, "I'm not sure what's going on, but it seems pretty serious."

The young girl nodded, and I got out of the car and walked over to Steve, arms crossed over my chest. "What's going on Rogers, why do you look like you just saw the Red Skull again?"

"Yeah, well we got some visitors."

"Add," I gesture with my hand to try and have him get to the point, "I mean unless these visitors came with rocket launchers, I think we're good. Besides that, the only people that know where this place is are us and some of the new SHIELD trainees."

"They say that they're friends of you and Barton, but I thought that was a little fishy especially since you don't look like you were expecting anyone."

"Where are they?" I asked, my voice clipped.

"Meeting room. Figured that it was the best place to keep an eye on them."

I nodded and headed off to the room in question. I haven't talked to anyone outside of those that live and work at the compound and I couldn't imagine why Clint would send someone here without alerting me first. As I got closer, I could see Sam standing in front of the door to the conference room, spine ramrod straight, probably trying to make up for how he got his ass kicked by Scott Lang – not that I knew anything about that.

"At ease soldier," I said placing a hand on Sam's shoulder. "I got this."

Sam nodded, at step aside so I could open the door, though he promptly followed me though.

"What are you two doing here?" I asked, a smile on my face.

"You know them?"

"Yeah, Clint and I were friends with them when SHIELD was still SHIELD. Bobbi here is ex-SHIELD and Hunter is ex-Bobbi, they're good people." I turned so that I was looking at Sam, "Why don't you tell Rogers to make two extra plates for lunch while I figure out what's going on."

"Yes ma'am," Sam said turning heel and walking out of the room.

"So what are you two doing here?" I asked sitting down. "I figured with how the operation looked last time I saw it, that the director would need every operative he could get his hands on." The rest of the team knew SHIELD was still a thing after the Sokovia incidence, but they also thought that Fury was still the main leader.

"Yeah, we kinda had to stop after maybe killing a Russian official while trying to track down mutant people with alien DNA," Hunter said, leaning back in his chair and propping his feet up on the table.

I gave a Bobbi a look as though to ask if Hunter was bullshitting me. "Yeah, nope he's pretty one-hundred percent spot on. Not how I'd describe it but still not wrong."

I sighed, "So you two defiantly need to talk to Rogers."

"Oh yes, the good Captain. The second-best thing to come out of the SSR...the first being Carter obviously."

I shrugged, "You're not wrong."

"So, what do you think that your team has any work we could help out on. I mean you know I'm not the type to just sit around," Bobbi said, as I let the two of them to the training room where I knew Steve would most likely be.

"Depends, do you still hate Brock Rumlow?"

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