Golden Wolf

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As I don't see myself writing a separate book for Cristian and Ahem, I think we will get a bit of them here. So another chapter of Cristian and Ahem. Also, the King arrives.

Cristian moved to let Ahem into his room. Ahem looks around, the room has a few pictures kept in a corner mostly that of family and some pictures Cristian has clicked in the woods.

"You think you can manage to live here?" asked Cristian.

"I wouldn't mind even if we are living in a cave if I can have you," said Ahem looking down. Cristian smiled and lifted Ahem's face and was shocked to see tears in them.

"Hey, what happened?" asked Cristian.

"I am just happy. That's all. I - I had almost lost hope," said Ahem

"So had I," said Cristian and Ahem looked at him.

"You are an Alpha. You could have married and stabilised your power with your partner- but you waited - Why?" asked Ahem. Cristian was silent for sometime before replying.

"I see my dad struggling to not mourn the loss of his mate and die every day. I have seen him struggle to even look at my mother's face. They both hate the existence where they can't love each other. And my little Iker, he had - he had suffered so much and yet he is what keeps dad alive- a part of his mate. I can't live like that. I have seen the pain in Iker's dad's eyes for the few months I have known him. I can't see that in your face," said Cristian.

Ahem looked at him.

"I have dreamt of your eyes," said Ahem

"I know- I have too," said Cristian

Cristian was holding Ahem in his arms. He bent down and kissed Ahem. Ahem's hand found its way to his Alpha's waist. Ahem gave in as Cristian lifted him and laid him down on the bed. This time it was about pleasure. Only Cristian's grunts and Ahem's moans could be heard in the room for some time after that. Ahem looked at his Alpha as they lay there in post-coital bliss.

"You had saved yourself for me- I - I don't even know what to say to that," said Cristian.

Ahem blushed.

"I have-" started Cristian.

"I know and I know it was important in channelling your raw power. I understand. However-" Ahem pushed his Alpha and was on top of the man. "If you even as much as look at anyone again, trust me I will shove your balls down your throat," said Ahem.

Cristian smiled at his feisty mate and smiled.

" Why would I want to ?"

Ahem was then telling more about his family to Cristian when there was a knock on the door. Ahem wore a shirt Cristian gave him and waited as the alpha opened the door.

"Alpha, there has been a rogue attack in the southern fronts. It's critical," said Xavier.

Cristian nodded and the beta left. He looked at Ahem who gave him a sad smile.

"I know what all being a Luna entails, Alpha- I will be fine," said Ahem.

"I will be back safely. We did not wait this long to end as a cliche tragedy Ahem," said Cristian.

Ahem flushed a bit when he heard Cristian say his name for the first time. Cristian kissed Ahem on the forehead and smiled down at him.

"This happens here all the time," said Cristian before he took off.

Cristian shifted as soon as his feet hit the woods. His wolf was grey in colour and has green eyes. Cristian could smell his pack.

Zal and Iker, the idiots, were already in the woods. He still rues the day he let Zal be a hunter. The bastard has no sense of self-preservation. And Iker, well, he was batshit crazy.

At least Valen and Terrence were sensible and guarding the pack houses. He rushed behind his idiotic brothers knowing they will definitely lead him to the danger. They were good like that. The Idiots!

He didn't know how to stop the shitshow they throw and always prays for the moon goddess to bring their mates soon. What else can a brother pray for?

Sure enough both are tearing apart the rogues. Cristian joined in. Well, what sort of an Alpha did not like a little bloodbath. But Cristian could feel Ahem's anxiousness. The name itself brought a small smile to Cristian's face and with that strength came immense power and motivation. He hit back hard.

However, like every recently mated Alpha, he can feel the drain of being away from his omega for long. Cristian cursed the rogues. He saw Iker was weakening. Something about Iker was off since morning. Not only Iker, even Zal was showing signs of weakness. The proximity to a powerful mating might have done it to them.

Cristian saw the silver arrow reaching for both his brothers and he jumped praying that his Ahem will forgive him if he died here. After all, Ahem would understand about the love for your siblings.

In the pack house, Ahem's heart broke.

Cristian felt the first arrow strike him and then a second arrow would mean death- but a golden wolf- or was it a lion jumped and took the arrow. The arrow fell as ashes onto the ground.

Cristian tried to stand up to look at the golden wolf. Iker and Zal came running and held Cristian and then looked at the wolf that has now turned into a man. He stood tall and Cristian could smell him as family.

"Family- he is family," said Cristian before his eyes closed.

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