A Love Like No Other

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Zaleno was outside the palace. The grass has grown to his calf length in the garden. He rolled his eyes at the two imps rolling on the ground. The two black headed ones looked up at him and looked guiltily at each other and at Zal.

"I remember specifically asking both of you to stay indoors until your fever settles down," said Zal glaring at the older of the two.

Viraat shuffled on his feet and took their son in his arms. "We were bored without you, so-," Viraat broke off and looked utterly apologetic.

"No, Father was bored," said their son with a cute lisp.

"In the next five minutes I better see you both freshened, changed and in bed," said Zal.

And then Zal froze as he saw them both going to dust in front of him. He ran, but he was not able to grab either of them as they went under, ashes in the air going down through a hole in the garden.

"Alpha" screamed Zal and everything went black.

It has been thirty days since Zal went into a coma. Viraat sat on his side. He was now telling Zal stories from his childhood.

He was holding Zal's hand between his as he spoke. It gave him a feeling that he was listening.

"I- I do love you, you know. I know it was your nature to be cold and callous. I- I have never been denied anything in my life. I was able to charm everything and everyone. I have slept with anyone I wanted to. If they resisted, I would pursue them and I have always won. And you are my mate- I, I felt belittled. I wanted you to come behind me and beg me. Many have, you know and I see how fate is paying me back for all of that. Zal, but it is not you who should be suffering for my mistakes, not you," said Viraat as he rested his head on Zal's hand.

The fingers moved. At first, Viraat thought it was a figment of his imagination. But, no. The hand was indeed moving.


It was really late when Vansh and Avadh got back home. Avadh took Iker who was asleep in his arms as he went up. His mate found it difficult to climb stairs now. His stomach was already big.

Vansh looked at Hale. At six months, Hale had a big belly. Vansh pecked on Hale's lips and held him in his arm. Vansh used to be Avadh's second in command before his injury.

He had stepped back and Viraat had to take his weight too in all the years that followed. Now he can see what Viraat had to do when he went back on his duties. Though he was very busy these days, he always reached home by a reasonable time to be with Hale.

Hale looked tired.

"Did you not rest at all? asked Vansh running his hand through Hale's hair. Hale did not say anything.
He just placed his head closer to Vansh's chest and smelled him, revelling in it.

"I tried"

"Mm, did you have food?" asked Vansh.

Hale nodded.

"Come, you are not moving an inch without food," said Hale as he made Vansh sit down and served him food.


Iker gave a small smile as he stood buried in Avadh's arms.

"We really missed you," said Iker.
Avadh smiled.

"Really" teased Avadh.

"Yeah, really. Tell your father we missed him," said Iker touching his belly.

Avadh was amused. He just made Iker sit and they shared a light dinner. He just held Iker close to him as they sat on the bed.

"For the record, I missed you guys too," said Avadh.

"Who said it is a guy, you male chauvinist?" teased Iker.

Avadh smirked.

"Father's intuition," said Avadh.
Iker scowled.

They were silent for a few minutes then.

"How are they?" asked Avadh.

"Good. I mean, I heard Viraat tell him stories. I- I wish Zalen would just wake up," said Iker.


Viraat's excited shout brought everyone out of their rooms. The healer came soon enough.
He looked at Viraat. Zaleno looked restless. His eyes opened, but they were not blinking much. The eyeballs moved.

"It is the magic of love. It is love magic that took away the bewitchment. It is now the love you and your mate have for each other that has revived him. However, only a completed mate bond will help him survive. Or he will just go back into the coma and slowly die," said the Healer somberly.

Viraat shook his head. 

"It will be rape. He is, Zal is too proud to ever be okay with it," said Viraat and looked away.

"We will ask him, he can move his eyelashes," said Healer.

All looked at Viraat.

"Your Highness, you heard what I told Prince Viraat. Would you be okay with the mating? Please keep in mind that this is the only thing that will help you survive," said the Healer.
Zal did not move.

Viraat sat down next to Zal and cradled his face in his hands.

"Wink twice, if you want our mating to be completed Zaleno, I will not touch you without your permission," said Viraat.

Zal's eyes moved to look at Viraat and his eyelashes batted twice. Others left the room soon after that. Viraat looked at Zal.

"I am so sorry, love, that we have to mate like this. I- I wouldn't hold you to this even after you are up on your feet," said Viraat.

Zal just looked at him. Viraat pressed a kiss on his lips.  Viraat close the door to the room and got back. He removed his shirt and looked at Zal.
He also removed his pants and then slowly removed Zal's clothes. He kissed Zal everywhere and then be slammed his head on Zal's chest crying, sobbing.

"Oh my god, Zal, love, please get up," said Viraat. He held Zal's hand as he cried. Viraat was shocked when he heard Zal's voice.

"Do it, please. I don't- I can't lie here like this," said Zal, his voice echoing in Viraat's head.

Viraat looked at him and saw the filled eyes

"Oh, no, love, don't cry. Never again," said Viraat wiping the tears off his eyes. He made love to every single inch of Zal's body.

Zal's eyes showed the pleasure he was feeling. The pleasure in Zal's eyes turned on Viraat. He entered Zal. Zal's body jerked as they completed the mating. Viraat came inside Zal.

He felt the mating magic bind them and he pressed a kiss on Zal's forehead. Then he felt Zal's arm grip his.


It took Zal one more week to recover. Viraat never went before Zal after their mating day.


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